Cigar Edicion Limitada
Box of 27
A generous size and perfect construction provide a near-flawless draw, allowing the beautifully nuanced interplay of flavors of rich, full-bodied tobacco, espresso, and sweet spices to complement every puff of dense, white smoke from this cigar.
$250.00Cigar Edicion Limitada
$250.00 -
Cigar 20th Anniversary
4 3/4 x 54 – Box of 20
The culmination of more than two decades of Garo Cigars’ passion and experience in the cigar manufacturing.
$250.00Cigar 20th Anniversary
$250.00 -
Cigar Blue – Robusto
4.75 x 52 – Box of 18
With a mild bodied flavor, and wrapped in a golden brown Connecticut shaded wrapper, Garo Blue smokes smoothly and maintains the same consistency through and through.
$150.00Cigar Blue – Robusto
$150.00 -