• Handmade Soap

    Lugol’s Iodine Handmade Soap! As you know Lugol’s is the best and what could be better you ask? Well, Lugol’s iodine Handmade Soap!
    Packed with iodine it disinfects, cleans, and cuts the bacteria, virus, and fungal load up! Amazing Lugol’s iodine soap is an all purpose soap, for body, hands, and face. Keep it in your restroom and wash up after returning home and you will see how your health will improve especially during these trying times. Use it to keep acne under control and to keep oily skin clean as from deep inside the pores and out!
    How to use: Create a good foam and apply on the skin. Best to let dry for about 2 minutes then use our GGW hand mitt scrubber to scrub and exfoliate in a circular manner then
    wash with warm water and finally with cold water at the very end. Can be used for hands, body and/or face.

  • “Royal Elixir” Drink

    Vordan Karmir Royal Elixir 100mL:
    This salubrious and invigorating unique drink is made of 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal, all according to Armenian ancient manuscript recipes. It is said to maintain good health, high immunity, and eternal health!
    The Royal balsamic elixir is prepared in accordance with medieval Armenian traditional and encrypted medical recipes and special distillation technology. In the Middle Ages this elixir was used by kings and was proven to give them youthfulness and zest. As a result of longterm research, the elixir’s recipe was discovered and decoded by Deacon Armen Sahakyan, Ph.D., phyto-therapíst and senior researcher át the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, the Matenadaran of Yerevan, Armenia. In the past it was prepared and kept in monasteries, with special rites accompanied by prayers. Currently the elixir is prepared át the Matenadaran and preserved in oak barrels. According to ancient traditions barrels are then transported to the “Hermit Caves” in the region of Vayots Dzor where monks realize Church services, accompanying them the healing prayers and sacred chants. ceremony of collecting and harvesting of the rare mountainous herbs takes place according to the way described in manuscripts, on specific lunar days, which fortifies the elixir’s strengtħ, aroma and flavor.
    Contents: The elixir is prepared from the Armenian hawthorn (Crataegus armena) fruits, cochineal from Ararat Valley (Porphyrophora hamelii) and extracts of 54 aromatic herbs,¯ roots and flowers, including Mastica mutica, Herba Ziziphorae, Rhizoma Calami, Radix Nardostachyos, Flores Cepha- lariae, Semen Myristicae, Fructus Cubebae, Stigmata Croci, Rhizoma Iridis, Folia Melissae, Herba Ma- joranae, Flores Xeranthemi, Folia Myrti, Hermit Herb. The preparation of the elixir lasts three years.
    Benefits: Since ancient times, the Elixir is well known for stimulating and strengthening blood circulation, as well as respiratory, digestive and nervous system. It also contributes to overcoming fatigue, feelings of anxiety and depression. According to medieval physicians, it “heals the heart and makes the spirit happy”. It is also recommended for elderly people as a preventive maintenance from risk of strokes and heart attacks. In case of senile sclerosis it improves memory.
    Usage: Drink a shot of it in the evenings to relax and get the benefits of all the wonderful 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal oil it is made from! Drink 5-10 ml before eating with 1 tablespoon of natural raw mountain honey. It boosts the immune system.

  • “Pomegranates For Good Luck” Mug

    Beautifully artistic hand painted 3 pomegranates for good luck and on the other side our GGA logo which symbolizes what every Armenian wants for Armenia, prosperity!!

  • GGA Green Lima Beans Grown in Arevshat 600g

    Locally grown Lima beans in Arevshat, Armenia!!!! High in molybdenum & fiber, lima beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber.

  • Gyumri Areshta Pasta Pack

    GGA Gyumri Areshta Spaghetti Reshta 400g
    3 packs for $5.50
    Ingredients: whole wheat flour, salt, water

  • Copper Mug

    Copper Mug Made by artisans in Gyumri and Echmiatzin.



    Copper Mug

  • Decorative Ceramic Plate

    GGA Artisan Decorative Display Ceramics Plate Hand Painted
    18 cm in diameter

  • Emmer Wheat

    Grown in the Abaran Valleys in Armenia, it is known as an ancient grain in the Eastern Europe and Far East, a hulled wheat (emmer) which is a staple diet in the region for breakfast, bread making, and as a thickening grain in soups and sauces. Emmer wheat is rich in niacin of Vitamin B3, which is great for your heart and cholesterol levels. Emmer is also a rich source of magnesium and iron. Pregnant women and women post pregnancy can also benefit by including emmer wheat in their diet, because of its rich nutrient profile.
    Armenian Emmer Wheat 1kg

  • Bee Balm

    BEE BALM (50g)
    This salve is a soft healing ointment that can be applied to give relief to skin irritations and is highly effective for psoriasis and eczema. Our salve repairs the skin with bee propolis while the beeswax protects against outside moisture and bacteria. All based and infused in our extra virgin olive oil to add to the nutrients your skin needs.
    Ingredients: GGA extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, propolis. No artificial ingredients. 100% natural.
    Use: Apply on irritated skin to soothe and relieve. Apply as a moisturizer or as a night cream.

    Bee Balm

  • Astragulus Root Powder

    Astragulus root powder, Grown in Armenia near the Khosrov Forest Region

    Another SUPERFOOD at Go Green Armenia is Astragalus Root Powder for tea! This root tea helps beat stress while fighting disease at the same time. The most important aspect of Astragalus root is that it helps reverse aging! Yes, you read it right!!! Lets explain…. You can think of telomeres as the end-caps on your chromosomes. They help protect your DNA from damage and mutations. During youth, your telomeres are long & capped. They get shorter and unravel as you age and in turn, the DNA between them is more susceptible to mutations. So with its high antioxidant content, which is the highest in all superfoods combined, Astragalus root seals up the telomeres and caps them to help protect them from mutations in turn reversing the aging process. So how to use it!?! Use: take 1 teaspoon and steep it in boiling water for 30 minutes and enjoy!


    Astragulus Root Powder

  • Peach Kernel Oil

    The light, penetrating texture of GGA Peach Kernel Oil makes it a natural choice for use in skin care and massage. This moisturizing oil is great at nourishing the skin without leaving a greasy feel. It’s rich in Vitamin E, making it a popular choice for mature skin & under eye dark circles. The presence of Vitamin E also helps to make Peach Kernel Oil quite stable, having an average shelf life of up to two years. Great used after showers to moisturize and replenish your whole body’s skin, the largest organ you have!
    1 ingredient to a healthy you!
    GGA peach kernel oil 50mL

  • Skincare Gift Set

    Ok, so someone you know has acne and you want to help!?!!?!??!! Well, GGA is here to help and finally get rid of this problem they can have clear smooth skin!!!! YEAHHHH!!!! So here’s the perfect Holiday Gift Set for them!
    1-use our parsley soap: foam it up and then apply it on your face or any area you want acne free. Let is stay for at least 2 minutes or if you have time let it dry out. take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry.
    2-Rub our white iodine on the acne spots. Don’t apply it with anything other than the bottle dropper so that the iodine is absorbed by the skin and not your fingers nor the Q-tips!!!
    1-Use WIPEOUT MASK that really digs into the pours and cleans them out!!! Take a teaspoon amount place it in your palm add water until it is like thick yogurt and then spread it all over your face or any area you want acne free! WAIT until it dries out so that it starts to crack….take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry,
    2-Before you sleep with a cotton ball apply the WIPEOUT solution all over your face or any area you want acne free! And you are done!!! Watch as the acne disappears right before your eyes!!!!
    3- Tell them to drink lots of water with this beautiful GGA mug to detox and get clearer skin faster! ENJOY!



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