• Chocolate Spread With Hazelnut

    Never hurt your waist line again by satisfying your cravings!
    Chocolate has never been healthier with our 3 ingredients spread we call #Chocozella!
    Made from only pure raw cocoa powder, hazelnuts and a pinch of stevia. That’s all! 😍
    No preservatives, artificial flavors, additives, nor sugar!
    Make any shake or smoothie taste chocolatey by adding in a table spoon or two 😋. Enjoy it as a spread on lavash, or spread it on a dessert to jump it up a knotch!😉
    GGA Chocozella 500g
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggaArmeniannutella #Armeniannutella #ggachocozella #code485 #nutella #betterthannutella #chocozella

  • Armenian Argan Oil

    Over the centuries, Argan oil extracted from fruits of Argan tree (aka Argania Spinosa) has been much appreciated by the Berber tribes in Morocco. Due to its cosmetic properties, the primary use that people gave to Argan oil was as a skin protector from the ultra-dry climate. At the beginning of the 90’s, the tree that gives the fruits of which we extracted the oil of Argan was almost extinct. Due to all the properties beneficial to health and its immense history, in 1999 UNESCO recognized the Argan tree as a world heritage.
    The oil of the Argan tree works wonders (antioxidizing, beauty-and-health-rejuvenating), which would seem too good to be true if they didn’t have real science backing them up.


    1. Moisturizer
    Vitamin E in Argan oil helps strengthen the skin’s barrier so it’s able retain more hydration
    2. Reduces wrinkles making your skin look more youthful
    When used topically, argan oil has been found to improve elasticity of the skin in postmenopausal women.
    3. Brightens the skin and fades the dark spots
    Argan oil contains tocopherols, which can inhibit the production of excess pigment from melasma or scars. Further study shows that it may also help speed would healing from burn scars.
    4. Helps in battling acne-prone skin
    A small study showed that topical application of argan oil twice daily for four weeks was associated with reduced sebum (aka oil) and a less shiny complexion, which means it may potentially help to reduce clogged pores and acne.
    5. Hair care
    Argan oil’s molecules are smaller than other oils, so it’s easier to penetrate the hair cuticles, which will make hair softer and more manageable with less tangles and dryness.
    6. Prevents Heat Damage
    The vitamin E and fatty acids in argan oil protect the hair and scalp from heat damage caused by styling tools. To protect your hair while blow drying, straightening, or curling apply a couple of drops of GGW Organic Argan oil to wet or dry hair before and after styling.
    7. Reduces split ends
    Using GGW Argan oil on the ends of your hair may help reduce the appearance of split ends.

    1. Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
    Argan oil is rich in vitamin E, or tocopherol, a fat-soluble vitamin that serves as a potent antioxidant to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals.
    2. Good source of nutrients
    Linoleic acid- 29-36% of fatty acid
    Oleic acid- 43–49% of fatty acid
    Vitamin E- 4,5mg/10ml
    3. May Boost Heart Health
    Is high in Omega-9 monounsaturated fat, which may help to reduce heart disease risk


    Armenian Argan Oil

  • Carob Beans And Carob Powder

    Carob Beans and Carob Powder, Chocolate Substitute, perfect for diabetics.
    At Go Green Armenia​ we have CAROB BEANS!!!! The carob tree has fruit that looks like a dark brown pea pod. Carob is a sweet and healthy substitute for chocolate. Using it for health benefits goes back 4,000 years to ancient Greece. If your body has digestive or dietary issues, you can use the powder and chips the same way as you would chocolate in almost all recipes. And you can enjoy your favorite sweet treats with fewer calories, fat, and sugar!!! Try it, it’s great!!!


    Carob Beans And Carob Powder

  • Dried Cephalaria Flowers

    A quick lesson in Armenian wildflowers! This is an amazing flower called Cephalaria in English and Ղանթարա (Khantara) or Զավան(Zavan) in Armenian. It helps with bloating & stomach upset, the flu, and also respiratory detoxing. Place 2-3 dried flowers in a cup of boiling water, cover for 10 minutes and drink away! Relax and sooth your stomach, prevent the flu, and clean out your lungs of the daily smog you intake especially all that second hand smoke from smokers!!! VAYYYYY!!!!!
    GGA Dried Cephalaria Flowers 50g

  • Moringa Leaf Tea

    The leaves are the most nutritious part of the moringa plant, being a significant source of B vitamins, vitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin K, manganese, and protein. The leaves are used to make tea or even cooked and used like spinach and are commonly dried and crushed into a powder used in soups and sauces or as a supplement for pets. It is also used for water purification.


    Moringa Leaf Tea

  • Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil

    GGA almond oil is freshly cold-pressed from sweet almonds weekly.
    We all know almond oil is great for your skin and hair but did you know it’s used as a colon cleanse?
    Add 4 – 6 drops of sweet almond oil to your juice, smoothie or milk. Drink late at night before sleep. This performs a mild bowel cleanse. This remedy is also good for constipation.

  • Handmade Soap

    Lugol’s Iodine Handmade Soap! As you know Lugol’s is the best and what could be better you ask? Well, Lugol’s iodine Handmade Soap!
    Packed with iodine it disinfects, cleans, and cuts the bacteria, virus, and fungal load up! Amazing Lugol’s iodine soap is an all purpose soap, for body, hands, and face. Keep it in your restroom and wash up after returning home and you will see how your health will improve especially during these trying times. Use it to keep acne under control and to keep oily skin clean as from deep inside the pores and out!
    How to use: Create a good foam and apply on the skin. Best to let dry for about 2 minutes then use our GGW hand mitt scrubber to scrub and exfoliate in a circular manner then
    wash with warm water and finally with cold water at the very end. Can be used for hands, body and/or face.

  • Cold Pressed Black Plum Kernel Oil

    All-natural and vegan-friendly carrier oil, cold-pressed extracted from the seeds of the plum, yielding a clear to light yellow oil. Its lightweight composition and naturally occurring high content of Oleic Fatty Acid have promoted its effectiveness in moisturizing and grooming products applied topically to the face, hair, nails, and body. Its commonly found in a variety of serums, skin treatment ointments, and lip balms. Massage therapists favor using plum kernel oil in their treatments for its overall soothing feel across all skin types.

  • Echinacea Tea

    Place 2 teaspoon echinacea leaves , flower & steam in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain.
    Echinacea Herb Benefits:
    The coneflower was one of the most important healing plants of the Native Americans of the North American prairies. They used the juice or a mush made from the ground herb or chewed pieces of root. Decoctions were used less frequently. The traditional areas of use are numerous and include, among others, wounds, burns, inflammations of the gums, toothache and sore throats, colds, coughs, mumps, measles, and gonorrhoea. There are many reports of Echinacea being used to treat snake and insect bites and generally as an antidote for symptoms of poisoning. Drinking Echinacea tea combats cancer cells , with its phytochemicals , boosts your immune system by 58% , alleviates pain , functions as a laxative , anti – inflammatory properties , helps ADD / ADHD.


    Echinacea Tea

  • Hemp Seed Flour

    150 grams

    USE: Use as a flour substitute in your baking, cooking, or to enhance your smoothies, cereals, yogurt, and shakes.

    Hempseed Flour has been considered a superfood for the past 10,000 years!!! It provides an excellent supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids, and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc. Hemp Seeds also provide a good source of chlorophyll. So add a teaspoon in your smoothie, coffee, or tea in the morning, and just start your day with this superfood!! Easy peasy!!

    Fat-reduced with lower calories, our all-natural hemp seed flour has a nutty flavor, with 3 g omega-3 ALA, 7.5 g omega-6 LA, 0.3 g super omega-3 SDA,, 0.6 g super omega-6 GLA, and 10 g protein per serving. A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs, and mitochondria. The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. Gluten-free, paleo & vegan-friendly!

  • Dried Ginseng Root

    Armenian Dried Ginseng Root from Khosrov Forest Region

    Ginseng root is a popular root supplement that has been used for thousands of years to increase energy and boost the immune system. The best way to use ginseng root is to brew it as tea. You will need three slices per cup of tea. Pour a cup of hot water over the root slices and cover. Steep for five minutes before removing the ginseng. Drink it to have added energy, stamina, and feel more awake, focused, and alert during the day! Replace it with your morning coffee and see the difference in your health!


    Dried Ginseng Root




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