• Corn Flour

    A cup of Go Green Armenia gluten-free real yellow corn flour has:
    Calories: 416
    Total fat: 4.4 grams, with almost no saturated fat
    Protein: 11 grams
    Carbohydrates: 89 grams, including 75 grams of starches

    This amount of flour provides 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and may reduce your risk of constipation. Corn flour is cholesterol-free and a source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which are amazing for your eyes and eyesight improvement. So substitute GGA real corn flour for white flour and see how it only takes 1 ingredient to a healthy you & bionic eyesight!!!


    Reduces Constipation
    Corn flour also improves bowel movement thereby limiting the possible chances of constipation.
    Some nutritional contents in cornflour mainly the fiber content stimulates the movement of the bowl, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it so that it can be easily excreted as often as necessary without difficulty.

    Energizes the Body
    Improves Bone Health
    Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals contained in cornflour that help to improve bone mineral density. In other words, potassium helps to conserve the amount of calcium in the body thereby reducing urinary calcium loss.
    Prevents High Blood Pressure
    Corn flour helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure; stroke and other related coronary artery diseases because it is scientifically considered a low-sodium diet.
    Improve Psychological Functions
    Corn flour is enriched with vitamins B’s such as vitamin B1, thiamin and B3, niacin, and the importance of these vitamins is to elevate cognitive functions. Also, the presence of magnesium in this extract contributes to psychological skills. Researches have shown that the potential role of magnesium is as a use for Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Therefore, the level of magnesium in the body can properly be improved through moderate consumption of cornflour in order to restore critical brain agility and totally enhance cognitive functions.


    Corn Flour

  • Peach Kernel Oil

    The light, penetrating texture of GGA Peach Kernel Oil makes it a natural choice for use in skin care and massage. This moisturizing oil is great at nourishing the skin without leaving a greasy feel. It’s rich in Vitamin E, making it a popular choice for mature skin & under eye dark circles. The presence of Vitamin E also helps to make Peach Kernel Oil quite stable, having an average shelf life of up to two years. Great used after showers to moisturize and replenish your whole body’s skin, the largest organ you have!
    1 ingredient to a healthy you!
    GGA peach kernel oil 50mL

  • Passionflower Tea

    Passion Flower tea is known for soothing nervous restlessness, sleeplessness, and anxiety-related gastrointestinal problems. Passionflower tea with St. John’s Wort flowers is best known for its relaxing and calming effects. So try it to relax after a hectic week! Passionflower tea is commonly used to support restful sleep! In 2011, a double-blind investigation found that participants who drank passionflower tea reported better sleep quality than the placebo group. Passion flower tea may provide gentle relief for symptoms of withdrawal from smoking. Many smokers start and fail cessation programs because they can’t overcome the nicotine withdrawal. By drinking a cup of passionflower tea a day helps you quit smoking once and for all!! So try it!!
    Passionflower tea offers many other benefits, like having an aphrodisiac effect!


    Passionflower Tea

  • Madder Root Tea for Easter Eggs

    Տորոնի թեյը լավ հակաբորբոքային միջոց է, որ օգնում է արթրիտի, հոդացավերի, վարիկոզային երակների, կարմրության, ուռածության, և ընդհանրապես՝ ցավերի դեպքում։ Բորբոքումը հիվանդության առաջին նշանն է, ուստի կարևոր է հախից գալ, քանի դեռ ամբողջովին չենք հիվանդացել 😉
    Տորոնի արմատը պարունակում է բազմաթիվ բուժիչ գլյուկոզիդներ։ Կարմիր պիգմենտների պատճառով այն մեզը կդարձնի կարմիր, բայց չանհանգստանաք, դա նորմալ է։
    Արմատից կտրեք 5սմ, ավելացրեք մի բաժակ եռացրած ջուր, փակած թրմեք 15 րոպե, ապա խմեք օրը 3 կամ 4 անգամ։ Տորոնի արմատը պետք է օգտագործվի միայն ամիսը 7 օր։
    Տորոնի արմատ (գունարմար)
    Madder root tea is a good anti-inflammatory agent that helps with arthritis, joint pain, varicose veins, redness, swelling, and pain in general. Inflammation is the first sign of disease and so it’s important to stop it before we get really sick.
    The madder root contains lots of healing glucosides. Because of the red pigments, it will cause your urine to turn red but there is no reason to be alarmed… it’s normal!!
    Cut 5cm from the root; add a cup of boiling water; let steep, covered, for 15 minutes and then drink 3 or 4 times a day. Madder root should only be used for 7 days a month!
    GGA Madder Root 20g
    Чай из корня марены является хорошим противовоспалительным средством, которое помогает при артрите, боли в суставах, варикозном расширении вен, покраснениях, отеках и болях в целом. Воспаление – это первый признак заболевания, поэтому важно остановить его, прежде чем мы действительно заболеем.
    Корень марены содержит много целебных глюкозидов. Из-за красных пигментов ваша моча станет красной, но нет причин для беспокойства … это нормально !!
    Отрежьте 5 см от корня; добавитe стакан кипятка; даjte настояться 15 минут, а затем пейте 3 или 4 раза в день. Корень марены следует использовать только 7 дней в месяц!
    GGA Корень Марены
    #gogreenarmenia #gga #tumanyan26 #glutenfree #vegan #food #armenia #yerevan #madeinarmenia #buyarmenian #gourmet #լավբանհայաստանում #առողջ #ggamadderroots #madderroots #maddertea #Տորոնիթեյ

  • Flaxseed Heating/Cooling Pad With Lavender

    NEW!! GGA Flaxseed Heating/Cooling Pad with soothing Lavender! 30cmX20cm
    Temperatures are getting colder, and the holidays are around the corner. Stay warm this season with a flaxseed heating pad with soothing lavender! These make great last-minute gifts as they are inexpensive and for all ages (newborn to elderly), used to ease tense or sore muscles, swelling, joint aches and pain & warm cold fingers & toes this winter! My puppy & kitten have been using mine every night to sleep snuggled and warm. It’s a great way to unwind at the end of the day! It’s a useful stocking stuffer so order them in advance to get them quickly before the rush hour of the Holidays!  Comes with a 100% cotton pillow cover to wash when need be.

    It’s simple! To warm your natural flaxseed with lavender heating pad, microwave it for roughly two minutes, with a shake at the 1 minute mark to avoid hotspots. You can also just leave it on a radiator, enjoy the mild scent of lavender aromatherapy in the room until you need it, then just grab it and warm up! It retains the heat for 12 hours! Enjoy it with a cup of GGA 15 Herbal Mix Tea and you will be in heaven!

    To use it as a cooling pad you can keep it in the freezer and use it when needed. It retains the cold for 7 hours!

  • Dried Figs

    1 kg of Delicious Armenian Sun-Dried Figs!
    No preservatives added nor vacuum packed, this way you get the most wholesome dried fruit with all its sun kissed antioxidants and vitamins!  Please know that when you do order it during warm seasons, you will see little critters which are part of the fruit’s natural flora.  Don’t throw it out!!!  Just take the dried fruit and place it in the freezer for 24 hours.  Then after take it out and after 1 hour, wash them and dry them out.  Then after just pack them in a container and refrigerate them until use.

    Dried Figs

  • Armenian Rose Water

    100 mL
    Why use rose water for skin? Well, it’s a good thing you asked!!

    • Rosewater helps maintain the skin’s pH balance and also controls excess oil.
    • Has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin, get rid of acne, dermatitis, and eczema. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores.
    • Helps hydrate, revitalize and moisturize the skin giving it with that refreshed look.
    • The antioxidant properties of rose water help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.
    • The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It rids of anxiety and promotes emotional well-being, making you feel more relaxed.
    • A few drops of rose water on your pillow also helps you sleep better after a long day, making you wake up refreshed.
    • It also helps aging skin, keeping fine lines and wrinkles under control!

    So use a cotton ball and drop a few drops on it and wipe your face and neck with it and feel the benefits!

    Rosewater is probably the best known of all the flower waters. It is used in cosmetics and in cooking: Middle Eastern cuisine and some traditional Indian desserts and sweets contain rosewater. Rosewater is excellent for the skin. It is a common ingredient in skin tonics but it can also be used as a facial toner on its own. Rosewater is soothing, cooling, antiseptic and gentle, and these properties make it especially good for dry or sensitive skin. Most people like the smell of rosewater.

  • Hair Thickening Potion

    After showering rub this hair thickening potion throughout your hair from end to end to nourish it and help it be protected from weathering as well as blowdrying & styling. The rice extract in our thickening potion helps keep the hair follicles together, gives protection and addes thickness.

  • Fenugreek Seeds

    Fenugreek seed tea is an effective remedy against heartburn (acid reflux) due to the mucilage in the seeds that soothe gastrointestinal inflammation and coat the stomach and the lining. Fenugreek seed tea helps to increase breast milk production because it contains high amounts of diosgenin (a phytosteroid). This tea can improve most metabolic symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in humans, by lowering blood glucose levels and improving glucose tolerance. It also eases menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, and menopausal symptoms. Increases testosterone in men which helps build muscle and increase libido.
    How to use Fenugreek Tea? Well, all you do is take 1 teaspoon of the seeds and steep them in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes and drink once a day or you can add the fenugreek seed powders (1 teaspoon) to your daily smoothie or shake!
    1 Ingredient to a healthy you!
    GGA Fenugreek Seed Tea 250g

  • Sunflower Seed Flour

    150 grams
    Sunflower seed flour is a great source of Vitamin E, magnesium, protein, linoleic fatty acids, and Selenium. Three of its compounds (magnesium, linoleic fatty acid, and vitamin E) may help your blood vessels relax, lowering your blood pressure, and promote weight loss.
    Using this flour shows a 9% to 12% decrease in LDL or “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides.
    Sunflower seeds are rich in nutrients and so is their flour. Adding it to your shakes, smoothies, and meals will slow your eating pace and calorie intake.
    Add it to granola bars, cereals, salads, delights, stir-fries, fruits, yogurt, burger buns, veggie burgers, baked goods, date molasses, so many options, use your imagination, do some magic!!!

  • “Armenian Flag Pomegranate” Mug

    GGA is collaborating with amazing artists and creative young adults to bring their business up a notch with unity we stand high! Get your Best mug of the Year today! Get some for your family and friends! Get an extra one in case give yours away!!! hahahahahhah



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