• White Mint Tea

    GGA White Mint Tea helps diarrhea, headaches, anxiety, depression, menstrual cramps, upset stomach, bloating, reduces flatulence, heartburn, and cold/flu. It has the highest amount of menthol essential oils, which gives you that cool feeling and warmth at the same time. So it soothes and relieves at the same time! So use it daily to reap the benefits from its essential oils to its micro-minerals as well!
    GGA White Mint Tea


    White Mint Tea

  • Oatmeal & Choco Chip Chewy Mewy Cookie

    GGA Oatmeal & Choco Chip Chewy Mewy Cookie! Enjoy Armenia oats in a chewy mewy soft oatmeal cookies with white and dark chocolate chunks!

  • Dried Fruit And Nuts

    1 kg
    Walnut Halves on Sun-Dried Figs Called Jogandal! Everything is grown and sun-dried in Armenia!

  • Linden Flower & Leaf Tea

    GGA Wild Linden Flower & Leaf Tea 100g relieves anxiety by reducing mental stress, prevents chronic diseases with its antioxidants quercetin and kaempferol, detoxifies the body, reduces cold & flu by promoting sweating, removes inflammation, prevents cancer, improves digestion.

  • Dried Ginseng Root

    Armenian Dried Ginseng Root from Khosrov Forest Region

    Ginseng root is a popular root supplement that has been used for thousands of years to increase energy and boost the immune system. The best way to use ginseng root is to brew it as tea. You will need three slices per cup of tea. Pour a cup of hot water over the root slices and cover. Steep for five minutes before removing the ginseng. Drink it to have added energy, stamina, and feel more awake, focused, and alert during the day! Replace it with your morning coffee and see the difference in your health!


    Dried Ginseng Root

  • “Bird At Night” Mug

    GGA is working with artisans around Armenia, to bring unity to strengthen our ties and economy! Here is a beautifully hand painted tall ebony mug with Armenian terchnadar artistic patterns and motives.

  • Walnut Seed & Scion

    Are you looking forward to another gardening season next year!?!
    Well, this walnut is 3 – 4 times bigger than any other from 32-55g each!!! This is a new variety of walnut that was accidentally produced in Yerevan, Armenia when a regular walnut was planted and the resulting tree now produces these giant walnuts!!! They have a very thin shell that is easily breakable by hand (no tools required!). 
    Buy GGA gigantic walnut on Buy Armenian: you can choose to plant the seed and/or graft scions on your own walnut tree to get these amazing gigantic walnuts!!

    Walnut Seed & Scion

  • GGA Dried Cayenne Chili Pepper with 67,000 Scoville Heat Units Grown in Yeghegnatzor

    Grown in Yeghegnatzor, Armenia, GGA Cayenne Dried Chili Peppers are super spicy with 67,000 Scoville Heat Units! You can blend them in a powder when need be or just add it like that to meal preparations to give your food the jolt you are looking for!

    they are rich in:

    Vitamin C
    Vitamin A.
    Vitamin B6.
    Vitamin K.
    Immune system health.
    Proper function of the heart, lungs, kidneys and digestive organs.

  • Solution For Acne

    Back To Basics WipeOut Acne Solution 100mL
    Don’t squeeze it!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! Just Wipe your pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads with Back To Basics Wipeout Solution with a cotton ball and see them wipe away within days!!! Made with important minerals like zinc from herbal extracts, and seed extracts. Use once a day in the evenings on clean skin. Can also be used as a preventative solution to your worst acne problems!! Also available is our awesome WipeOut Mask which should be used 3 times weekly to maintain a clear smooth skin without blemishes!! Just put a teaspoon of the WipeOut Mask in your palm and add a few drops of water to make a thick paste. Apply it all over your face and skin that is prone to acne and let it dry out. Then wipe it in a circular motion with a warm wet towel, wash the area with warm water and dry! The solution to a clear and healthy skin!!!

  • Shower Hand Mitt


    Take longer showers & baths and exfoliate with our new flax & hemp natural exfoliating scrubbers!  All Natural Flax & Hemp Back & Body Scrubber & Mitt are made using the natural fibers of flax & hemp.  These scrubbers are made in Armenia for the person who wants serious exfoliation in a natural way.

    Get the clear, smooth, radiant skin you’ve always wanted. with our durable and hygienic scrubbers.   Our scrubber reduces blemishes, blackheads and sloughs off dead skin cells.  Use our scrubber mitts with our sugar scrubs to get optimal results!


    Shower Hand Mitt

  • Handmade Soap

    Skin being your largest organ on your body that is the protector of everything within, it’s best to protect it and keep it healthy! Chamomile Handmade Soap is packed with lots of antioxidants from the chamomile, one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind!

    With terpenoids and flavonoids contributing to its medicinal properties, it aids:
    ▪ Inflammation
    ▪ Muscle spasms
    ▪ Menstrual disorders
    ▪ Insomnia
    ▪ Ulcers
    ▪ Wounds
    ▪ Eczema
    ▪ Anxiety
    ▪ Gastrointestinal disorders
    ▪ Rheumatic pain
    ▪ Hemorrhoids

    So obviously when it is carried in soap, all those antioxidants will be absorbed and will soothe your skin and help those ailments be relieved. So try it as your body soap with your next shower/bath, and then come out to a nice cup of steeped GGW Chamomile Tea to soothe your soul and relax you for a good night’s sleep!

    Best way to use:
    You can use it on your whole body or just your face: make a nice foam and apply it on your skin. It would be wonderful to let it dry a bit on your skin so you can get all the benefits of the soap’s goodness! Then wash it off with our unique flax & hemp body mitt scrubber to get the exfoliating effect and glow! At the end rinse off with warm water then followed by cold water to close off your pores.

  • “Royal Elixir” Drink

    Vordan Karmir Royal Elixir 100mL:
    This salubrious and invigorating unique drink is made of 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal, all according to Armenian ancient manuscript recipes. It is said to maintain good health, high immunity, and eternal health!
    The Royal balsamic elixir is prepared in accordance with medieval Armenian traditional and encrypted medical recipes and special distillation technology. In the Middle Ages this elixir was used by kings and was proven to give them youthfulness and zest. As a result of longterm research, the elixir’s recipe was discovered and decoded by Deacon Armen Sahakyan, Ph.D., phyto-therapíst and senior researcher át the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, the Matenadaran of Yerevan, Armenia. In the past it was prepared and kept in monasteries, with special rites accompanied by prayers. Currently the elixir is prepared át the Matenadaran and preserved in oak barrels. According to ancient traditions barrels are then transported to the “Hermit Caves” in the region of Vayots Dzor where monks realize Church services, accompanying them the healing prayers and sacred chants. ceremony of collecting and harvesting of the rare mountainous herbs takes place according to the way described in manuscripts, on specific lunar days, which fortifies the elixir’s strengtħ, aroma and flavor.
    Contents: The elixir is prepared from the Armenian hawthorn (Crataegus armena) fruits, cochineal from Ararat Valley (Porphyrophora hamelii) and extracts of 54 aromatic herbs,¯ roots and flowers, including Mastica mutica, Herba Ziziphorae, Rhizoma Calami, Radix Nardostachyos, Flores Cepha- lariae, Semen Myristicae, Fructus Cubebae, Stigmata Croci, Rhizoma Iridis, Folia Melissae, Herba Ma- joranae, Flores Xeranthemi, Folia Myrti, Hermit Herb. The preparation of the elixir lasts three years.
    Benefits: Since ancient times, the Elixir is well known for stimulating and strengthening blood circulation, as well as respiratory, digestive and nervous system. It also contributes to overcoming fatigue, feelings of anxiety and depression. According to medieval physicians, it “heals the heart and makes the spirit happy”. It is also recommended for elderly people as a preventive maintenance from risk of strokes and heart attacks. In case of senile sclerosis it improves memory.
    Usage: Drink a shot of it in the evenings to relax and get the benefits of all the wonderful 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal oil it is made from! Drink 5-10 ml before eating with 1 tablespoon of natural raw mountain honey. It boosts the immune system.



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