• Armenian Hops Flower Tea

    To make Hops Cone Tea pour 1 cup boiling water on 5 hop cones and let steep for 10 minutes then strain and enjoy.

    Improves Sleep
    Hops have a long history of being used to help improve sleep. Scientific research shows that hops, with their natural sedative effects, can increase sleep time. Hops also help to lower body temperature—falling core body temperature is one important physiological step toward sleep. Hops have also been shown to reinforce the body’s daily biorhythms of rest and activity.

    Reduces Stress Level, Helps with Anxiety
    Scientific study has demonstrated that both valerian and hops can help alleviate restlessness and anxiety. Research shows valerian can be effective in helping to reduce stress, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Studies also show hops can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety.

    Lowers LDL Cholesterol & Blood Sugar
    Hops contain flavonoids that have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. A flavonoid in hops has also been found to help reduce weight gain, lower elevated cholesterol, and reduce high blood sugar. These conditions all contribute to what’s known as metabolic syndrome, which significantly increases a person’s risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

    Prevents Cancer
    Hops flavonoids also have anti-cancer properties. Recent research shows that hops may provide promising preventive therapy for some cancers. Studies have found that hops may spur the ability to protect against some forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

    Hops may also be useful for:

    • Menstrual symptoms
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
    • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • Indigestion and intestinal cramping
    • Pain and inflammation, for arthritis and other conditions
    • Menopausal symptoms


    Armenian Hops Flower Tea

  • “Bird At Night” Mug

    GGA is working with artisans around Armenia, to bring unity to strengthen our ties and economy! Here is a beautifully hand painted tall ebony mug with Armenian terchnadar artistic patterns and motives.

  • Black Walnut Wood Wall Clock

    GGA is working with artisans around Armenia, to bring unity to strengthen our ties and economy! Here is a beautifully handcrafted wall clock made from Armenian black walnut wood and electric purple epoxy resin.
    It is 13in (30cm) in diameter with 1.1in (3cm) thickness. It is perfect for the office, home, or any area you want to decorate with beautiful texture and warmth!
    Made in Ijevan, Armenia 🕰🕰🕰.

  • Dried Fruit And Nuts

    1 kg
    Walnut Halves on Sun-Dried Figs Called Jogandal! Everything is grown and sun-dried in Armenia!

  • Copper Mug

    Copper Mug Made by artisans in Gyumri and Echmiatzin.


    Copper Mug

  • Fenugreek Seeds

    Fenugreek seed tea is an effective remedy against heartburn (acid reflux) due to the mucilage in the seeds that soothe gastrointestinal inflammation and coat the stomach and the lining. Fenugreek seed tea helps to increase breast milk production because it contains high amounts of diosgenin (a phytosteroid). This tea can improve most metabolic symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in humans, by lowering blood glucose levels and improving glucose tolerance. It also eases menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, and menopausal symptoms. Increases testosterone in men which helps build muscle and increase libido.
    How to use Fenugreek Tea? Well, all you do is take 1 teaspoon of the seeds and steep them in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes and drink once a day or you can add the fenugreek seed powders (1 teaspoon) to your daily smoothie or shake!
    1 Ingredient to a healthy you!
    GGA Fenugreek Seed Tea 250g

  • Rosehip Powder

    Rosehip Powder

    Ingredients – 100 % rosehip dried powder. Full of vitamins to strengthen the immune system and fight against colds. One cup of boiling water with 1/2 teaspoon of rosehip powder tea gives you the daily requirement of vitamin C. They also contain vitamins A, E and K, the B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Taking it daily gives your body the nutrients it needs to help stay young and healthy!

    So here’s what you do with it daily:

    Mix 1 tablespoon with juice, yogurt, add it to your favorite smoothie, or infuse in tea or even your coffee!  Also use in shakes, soups, and sauces!


    Rosehip Powder

  • “Armenian Unity” Mug

    Beautifully hand painted ceramic mug with Armenian Unity symbol on one side and our Go Green Armenia logo on the other. Enjoy giving the gift of unity with our unity mug!

  • Dried Fruit And Nuts


    1 kg
    Triple Nutty: Hazelnuts wrapped in sundried apricots, black prunes, and red prunes, Everything is grown and sun-dried in Armenia!

  • Carrot Preserves With Stevia

    GGA Carrot Preserves with Stevia no sugar no additives nor preservatives 500g
    Preserving carrots keeps the antioxidant carotenoid found in carrots in tact! Carotenoids or beta carotene, are available in abundance in carrots and are more readily available when carrots are cooked & preserved. Beta carotene is a provitamin that the body readily converts into vitamin A. This nutrient boosts hair growth, improves eye health, keeps heart healthy and is even said to have anti-cancer properties. When carrots are cooked & preserves, the cell walls of the plant tissues soften, making it easier for our digestive system to absorb beta-carotene. GGA Carrot Preserves are loaded with fiber, vitamin K1 and potassium. While fiber content keeps your bowel movement smooth, the potassium content reduces high blood pressure and also guards against kidney stones. The orange color provides lutein, which is said to lower the risk of cataract formation as well.
    Enjoy them with your coffee or tea, have them as a snack, or use them in desserts, sauces, and liquor preparations!

  • Sujukh

    1 strand of Peach Alani (1 kg):
    Whole sun dried peach stuffed with walnuts! A healthy snack to slice in wedges and enjoy! Packed with vitamins, minerals and micro minerals, you will get your daily dose of nutrients in a wholesome delicious snack!





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