• Ceylon Cinnamon

    Ceylon, or “true cinnamon,” is native to Sri Lanka and southern parts of India. It’s made from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum verum tree. Ceylon is tan-brown in color and contains many tight sticks with soft layers. Ceylon cinnamon is less common and has long been prized as a cooking spice. It is quite expensive compared to the more common cassia variety. It’s described as having a delicate and mildly sweet flavor suitable for desserts.
    Ceylon has anti-diabetic and blood sugar-lowering effects. Ceylon’s bioactive compounds appear to block a protein called tau from accumulating in the brain, which helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease.


    Ceylon Cinnamon

  • GGA Valerian Root Tea (200g) so you can sleep better

    NSOMNIA!?! Try GGA Valerian Root Tea(200g)!
    The benefits of GGA valerian root tea is that it increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. As a neurotransmitter, GABA inhibits unwanted nervous system activity. Studies have shown that increased levels of GABA in the brain lead to falling asleep faster and experiencing better sleep.
    Here’s what you do: Take 1/2 teaspoon of the valerian roots and place it in your cup and add boiling water to it. Cover and steep for 15 minutes and drink 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.
    GGA Valerian Root

  • Pumpkin Preserve With Stevia

    While commonly viewed as a vegetable, pumpkin is scientifically a fruit, as it contains seeds. That said, it’s nutritionally more similar to vegetables than fruits. Most importantly 245g has 49 calories!!!! IT is loaded with Vitamin A(which alleviates dry skin), C, B2, E, Potassium,Iron, Copper, and Manganese. Being high in antioxidants and beta carotene, it is important for your eyes, skin, and will boost your immunity! So eat it daily in the Winter to help your body stay healthy and strong!
    GGA Pumpkin Preserve with stevia 500g no sugar, additives, nor preservatives
    Click on the link below to order:
    💐💐💐 . https://buyarmenian.com/product/gga-tea-therapy-gift-set/
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggahoney #ggarawhoney #Armenianhoney #honey #rawhoney #code485 #madeinarmenia #ggapumpkinpreserve #pumpkins #pumpkinpreserve #preserves #Armenianpreserves #nosugar #withstevia #pumpkinpreservewithstevia #gganosugarpreserves #ggapreserves #vitamina #vitaminc #potassium #betacarotene

  • Pomegranate Seed Oil

    GGA Pomegranate Seed Oil contains 80% punicic acid(Omega-5), isoflavone genistein, and phythoestrogen coumestrol. It is one of the only plants in nature known to contain the sex steroid estrone, similar to those in mankind. The 17-alpha-estradiol is a mirror-image version of estrogen( great for Postmenopausal osteoporosis). GGA Pomegranate Oil also contains vitamin C, B1, B2, and beta-carotene as well. So don’t just apply it to your face take it internally for a healthier you!
    Use: Take 2 tbp in the mornings, to regulate menopausal hormone fluctuation and also massage this rich oil on your breasts nightly helping your overall fight to stay cancer free and of course apply it as a nightly rich oil for a super moisturizing night oil.

  • Handmade Soap

    Sea Buckthorn & Aloe Vera Gel Handmade Soap is bursting with goodness! It’s vegan-friendly, made out of plant-based saponin, naturally moisturizing, with shea butter and coconut oil, aloe vera gel, which gives it a nice aroma, and all the benefits of the aloe vera, sea buckthorn oil aka a natural remedy for dry skin packed with minerals and vitamins including sea buckthorn berry powder, which give it the nice natural orange color.

    Sea buckthorn offers a unique mixture of active compounds, including:

    ▪ Carotenoids
    ▪ Vitamin C (9 times more than in lemon)
    ▪ Vitamin B1
    ▪ Vitamin B2
    ▪ Vitamin B5
    ▪ Vitamin B6
    ▪ Vitamin E

    With this impressive list of goodness, give it to your skin and watch it tighten up, become firm & look ageless at any age! Sea buckthorn also contains high concentrations of palmitoleic acid-a fatty acid naturally found in the oil that lubricates the skin. So it’s the most natural moisturizer for the skin!

    Best way to use:
    You can use it on your whole body or just your face: make a nice foam and apply it on your skin. It would be wonderful to let it dry a bit on your skin so you can get all the benefits of the soap’s goodness! Then wash it off with our unique flax & hemp body mitt scrubber to get the exfoliating effect and glow! At the end rinse off with warm water then followed by cold water to close off your pores. ENJOY!

  • Kale Chips

    GGA Yummy Kale Chips 500g
    Snack on kale chips, get your fiber, vitamins and minerals in one shot! Enjoy it anytime of the day! Add it to soup as a crunchy topping, to meals as an accent, or even to ice cream to make it unique! Seasoned lightly with sea salt, black pepper, sesame seeds, and vegetable oil.
    GGA Yummy Kale Chips 500g

    Kale Chips

  • Holiday Gift Set

    Wonderful Holidays Gift Set! You can gift this anytime of the year!!!
    Comes in a Eco craft bag!
    *Cheer For Cher which includes:
    50g raw Armenian walnuts
    100g sun dried Armenian apricots
    100g sun dried Armenian prunes
    *10g Red Rubin Basil
    *25g wild thyme tea
    *traditional Armenian card

  • Lovely Lavender Bath Bomb

    Who said bath bombs can’t make huge bubbles!? Take a look at our 11cm high and 11cm in length Gigantic Lavender Bath Bombs which create the loudest fizz, the biggest bubbles, and the best tub fun for the summer! All-natural, made from our magnesium chloride, coconut oil, saponin, and natural calming lavender dye from black cherries. It is safe for all ages! Calm your nerves and relax, using nature’s given ingredients for a healthy you!

    120 grams

  • Copper Kettle

    Copper Kettle Made by artisans in Gyumri and Echmiatzin.


  • Herbal Tea Mix


    GGA 15 Herbal Tea Mix 50 grams
    Collections of herbs from the mountains of Armenia! Includes:
    ▪ Wild Mint
    ▪ Wild Thyme
    ▪ Wild Nettle
    ▪ Calendula
    ▪ St. John’s Wort
    ▪ Chamomile
    ▪ Thai Basil
    ▪ Safflower
    ▪ Damascus Rose Petals
    ▪ Lavender
    ▪ Sage
    ▪ Yarrow
    ▪ White Mint
    ▪ Saffron
    ▪ Licorice Root Slices

  • Corn Flour

    A cup of Go Green Armenia gluten-free real yellow corn flour has:
    Calories: 416
    Total fat: 4.4 grams, with almost no saturated fat
    Protein: 11 grams
    Carbohydrates: 89 grams, including 75 grams of starches

    This amount of flour provides 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and may reduce your risk of constipation. Corn flour is cholesterol-free and a source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which are amazing for your eyes and eyesight improvement. So substitute GGA real corn flour for white flour and see how it only takes 1 ingredient to a healthy you & bionic eyesight!!!


    Reduces Constipation
    Corn flour also improves bowel movement thereby limiting the possible chances of constipation.
    Some nutritional contents in cornflour mainly the fiber content stimulates the movement of the bowl, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it so that it can be easily excreted as often as necessary without difficulty.

    Energizes the Body
    Improves Bone Health
    Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals contained in cornflour that help to improve bone mineral density. In other words, potassium helps to conserve the amount of calcium in the body thereby reducing urinary calcium loss.
    Prevents High Blood Pressure
    Corn flour helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure; stroke and other related coronary artery diseases because it is scientifically considered a low-sodium diet.
    Improve Psychological Functions
    Corn flour is enriched with vitamins B’s such as vitamin B1, thiamin and B3, niacin, and the importance of these vitamins is to elevate cognitive functions. Also, the presence of magnesium in this extract contributes to psychological skills. Researches have shown that the potential role of magnesium is as a use for Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Therefore, the level of magnesium in the body can properly be improved through moderate consumption of cornflour in order to restore critical brain agility and totally enhance cognitive functions.


    Corn Flour

  • GGA Armenian Carpet Decorative Display Dish

    GGA Armenian Carpet Decorative Display Dish hand painted with love with oil paint. Comes with its own stand.
    Dimensions: 25x16cm




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