• Rosehip And Blackberry Powder

    ROSEHIP & BLACKBERRY POWDER: Ingredients 80% rosehip and 20% blackberry. Full of vitamins to strengthen the immune system and have antiseptic qualities. In a natural way, it supports good oral hygiene and is good for those who have gum inflammation. Also use in tea, shakes, smoothies, soups, and sauces!

  • Red Rubin Basil Syrup

    Bet you haven’t ever tried red Rubin basil syrup! It has a beautiful bright red color which is natural of course! Red Rubin basil syrup can be enjoyed as a cold refreshing drink just added to water & ice, some vodka, or any other alcoholic drink you love! Or you can enjoy it in the Winter to sweeten your teas to add a refreshing basil hint and some help in digestion and elimination of bloating after meals! Can also be added in sauces, syrups and desserts to add a little bit of flavor and natural sweetness!!! ENJOY!!!

  • Rosehip Powder

    Rosehip Powder

    Ingredients – 100 % rosehip dried powder. Full of vitamins to strengthen the immune system and fight against colds. One cup of boiling water with 1/2 teaspoon of rosehip powder tea gives you the daily requirement of vitamin C. They also contain vitamins A, E and K, the B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Taking it daily gives your body the nutrients it needs to help stay young and healthy!

    So here’s what you do with it daily:

    Mix 1 tablespoon with juice, yogurt, add it to your favorite smoothie, or infuse in tea or even your coffee!  Also use in shakes, soups, and sauces!


    Rosehip Powder

  • Apricot Kernels Seeds Stones Laetrile

    You may have heard about “laetrile” and how it can potentially help heal cancer, including breast cancer. Laetrile is the commercial label for apricot kernels (it also goes by name amygdalin or Vitamin B17).
    In the 1930s, Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about a tribe called the Hunzas who lived in the remote countryside near Northern Pakistan. According McCarrison’s written observations, the Hunzas seemed to enjoy near-perfect health. Some lived to be over 135 years old and no one in their clan had any of the conditions so common in the modern world, such as diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and cancer.
    So at GO GREEN ARMENIA, we want the people of the land of apricots, Armenia, to have the same health, especially since it has the natural resources that it should!!
    You will need to determine the best amount for yourself. With that said most people find that one apricot seed for every 5kg (10 lbs.) of body weight per day spread out throughout the day is a good amount. You should build up to this amount over a few days. Start with one apricot seed an hour.
    1 ingredient for a healthy you!
    GGA Armenian Apricot kernels with shell 120g

  • “Royal Elixir” Drink

    Vordan Karmir Royal Elixir 100mL:
    This salubrious and invigorating unique drink is made of 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal, all according to Armenian ancient manuscript recipes. It is said to maintain good health, high immunity, and eternal health!
    The Royal balsamic elixir is prepared in accordance with medieval Armenian traditional and encrypted medical recipes and special distillation technology. In the Middle Ages this elixir was used by kings and was proven to give them youthfulness and zest. As a result of longterm research, the elixir’s recipe was discovered and decoded by Deacon Armen Sahakyan, Ph.D., phyto-therapíst and senior researcher át the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, the Matenadaran of Yerevan, Armenia. In the past it was prepared and kept in monasteries, with special rites accompanied by prayers. Currently the elixir is prepared át the Matenadaran and preserved in oak barrels. According to ancient traditions barrels are then transported to the “Hermit Caves” in the region of Vayots Dzor where monks realize Church services, accompanying them the healing prayers and sacred chants. ceremony of collecting and harvesting of the rare mountainous herbs takes place according to the way described in manuscripts, on specific lunar days, which fortifies the elixir’s strengtħ, aroma and flavor.
    Contents: The elixir is prepared from the Armenian hawthorn (Crataegus armena) fruits, cochineal from Ararat Valley (Porphyrophora hamelii) and extracts of 54 aromatic herbs,¯ roots and flowers, including Mastica mutica, Herba Ziziphorae, Rhizoma Calami, Radix Nardostachyos, Flores Cepha- lariae, Semen Myristicae, Fructus Cubebae, Stigmata Croci, Rhizoma Iridis, Folia Melissae, Herba Ma- joranae, Flores Xeranthemi, Folia Myrti, Hermit Herb. The preparation of the elixir lasts three years.
    Benefits: Since ancient times, the Elixir is well known for stimulating and strengthening blood circulation, as well as respiratory, digestive and nervous system. It also contributes to overcoming fatigue, feelings of anxiety and depression. According to medieval physicians, it “heals the heart and makes the spirit happy”. It is also recommended for elderly people as a preventive maintenance from risk of strokes and heart attacks. In case of senile sclerosis it improves memory.
    Usage: Drink a shot of it in the evenings to relax and get the benefits of all the wonderful 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal oil it is made from! Drink 5-10 ml before eating with 1 tablespoon of natural raw mountain honey. It boosts the immune system.

  • Dried Apples

    Dried Apples! Try them as a snack or chop them up on desserts or add them to sauces or syrups. A wonderful addition to any meal or dessert. delicious dried apples give you a host of healthy goodness. The following list enumerates the health benefits of dried apples:
    Dried apples prevent constipation and keep you full for long
    Other methods of preserving fruits typically strip off the fruit’s fiber content. But not for dried apples.
    One of the benefits of dried apples is that it packs a high amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Half a cup of dried apples already gives you approximately 3-4 grams of dietary fiber, sufficient to cover 13-20% of your daily fiber requirements.
    Fiber keeps you satiated by preventing spikes in your blood sugar levels after meals. It also helps flush away toxins and harmful bacteria from your gut. Fiber softens your stool to keep constipation at bay as well. Soluble fiber is responsible for controlling your blood sugar levels, while insoluble fiber keeps your gut clean.
    Dried apples contain B-vitamins that are good for the hormones, brain, and energy
    Dried apples contain two essential B-vitamins that promote energy metabolism, improve hormonal balance, and nourish the brain. They are pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
    Pantothenic acid is responsible for helping your body create energy from the food you eat. It is also vital in hormone production. Dried apples contain approximately 3% of your recommended daily intake of the vitamin.
    Pyridoxine is a B-vitamin that aids in metabolizing proteins and helps in creating neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical transmitters in the brain that improve brain response and function. Dried apples can cover around 6% of your recommended daily pyridoxine intake.
    Dried apples improve cellular health
    Dried apples are a rich source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols. These are substances that help fight off damage to your cells caused by free radicals.

    Dried Apples

  • Floral Tea Mix

    Collection of wildflowers and herbs from the mountains of Armenia that make a soothing tea!
    ▪ Wild Chamomile
    ▪ White Chamomile
    ▪ Damascan Rose Buds
    ▪ Sage Flowers
    ▪ Lavander Flowers
    ▪ Caphalaria
    ▪ St. John’s Wort Tea
    ▪ Everlasting Flowers
    ▪ Dandelion
    ▪ Yarrow
    ▪ White Mint
    ▪ Passion Fruit Flower
    ▪ Hibiscus
    ▪ Green Tea

  • Body & Face Scrub

    Facial & Body Scrub! Help remove dead skin cells, acne, blackheads, and other skin blemishes and deeply moisturize and clean your face and body, Get smooth glowing skin with Go Green Armenia’s Deep Exfoliating Coffee Scrub! Made with espresso coffee, coconut oil, essential oils, and sea salt.


    Body & Face Scrub

  • Pomegranate Molasses

    Made in Armenia from the juice of fresh pomegranates.
    Pomegranate molasses contains antioxidants, mainly vitamin C, that is beneficial to your immune system. Pomegranates contain a higher amount of polyphenol antioxidants than most fruits. Pomegranate molasses contains several B vitamins including B1, B3, B5 and B6. Vitamin B1 or thiamin helps your body produce energy and is an aid to enzymes that help your muscles, cardiovascular system and nervous system. Vitamin B3 helps to maintain the health and vitality of your skin, nervous system and digestive system. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, helps your body break down the proteins you consume and maintains the health of your red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body so your hands don’t feel cold all the time!
    Go Green Armenia’s molasses are basically the fresh juice boiled down until it is thick and dark. GGA has mulberry molasses, fig molasses, grape molasses, and pomegranate molasses to use as a sugar substitute. So enjoy the goodness of nature and stay healthy by using this 1 ingredient for a healthier you!


    Pomegranate Molasses

  • Handmade Soap

    Try Go Green Armenia’s Wine and Pomegranate Handmade Soap
    Full of passion and love. A blend of pomegranate juice with rich antioxidant properties and red wine with anti-ageing and anti-microbial properties, this soap helps reduce oiliness and eases acne.
    – Highly refreshing soap
    – Ideal for oily skin
    – For all skin types, daily use, face and body
    – 100% natural ingredients
    – See our full natural soap collection

  • Mulberry Molasses

    Mulberry Molasses, made in Armenia from the juice of fresh mulberries
    Mulberry molasses has many benefits but the most profound one is having anthocyanins, a flavonoid group having a strong antioxidant property that slows ageing and helps in the treatment & prevention of cancer. Flavonoids neutralize & pause cell division of cancer cells causing cell death. According to a survey conducted in the U.S.A., mulberry molasses contains resveratrol, which reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Mix a tablespoon of mulberry molasses with 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it daily to help alkalize your body and keep you healthy and strong!


    Mulberry Molasses

  • “Plush 200” Beauty Blend

    PLUSH 200:1 ‘BEAUTY BLEND’ – Youthful Skin Restoration Formula – The Ultimate Anti Wrinkle Agent – NEW!


    “Plush 200” Beauty Blend




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