• GGA Sea Buckthorn Leaf & Berry Tea

    Provides weight loss, has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritis properties, high levels of antioxidants and inhibitory effects against pathogenic bacteria.

  • Handmade Soap

    Sea Buckthorn & Aloe Vera Gel Handmade Soap is bursting with goodness! It’s vegan-friendly, made out of plant-based saponin, naturally moisturizing, with shea butter and coconut oil, aloe vera gel, which gives it a nice aroma, and all the benefits of the aloe vera, sea buckthorn oil aka a natural remedy for dry skin packed with minerals and vitamins including sea buckthorn berry powder, which give it the nice natural orange color.

    Sea buckthorn offers a unique mixture of active compounds, including:

    â–ª Carotenoids
    â–ª Vitamin C (9 times more than in lemon)
    â–ª Vitamin B1
    â–ª Vitamin B2
    â–ª Vitamin B5
    â–ª Vitamin B6
    â–ª Vitamin E

    With this impressive list of goodness, give it to your skin and watch it tighten up, become firm & look ageless at any age! Sea buckthorn also contains high concentrations of palmitoleic acid-a fatty acid naturally found in the oil that lubricates the skin. So it’s the most natural moisturizer for the skin!

    Best way to use:
    You can use it on your whole body or just your face: make a nice foam and apply it on your skin. It would be wonderful to let it dry a bit on your skin so you can get all the benefits of the soap’s goodness! Then wash it off with our unique flax & hemp body mitt scrubber to get the exfoliating effect and glow! At the end rinse off with warm water then followed by cold water to close off your pores. ENJOY!

  • Skincare Gift Set

    Ok, so someone you know has acne and you want to help!?!!?!??!! Well, GGA is here to help and finally get rid of this problem they can have clear smooth skin!!!! YEAHHHH!!!! So here’s the perfect Holiday Gift Set for them!
    1-use our parsley soap: foam it up and then apply it on your face or any area you want acne free. Let is stay for at least 2 minutes or if you have time let it dry out. take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry.
    2-Rub our white iodine on the acne spots. Don’t apply it with anything other than the bottle dropper so that the iodine is absorbed by the skin and not your fingers nor the Q-tips!!!
    1-Use WIPEOUT MASK that really digs into the pours and cleans them out!!! Take a teaspoon amount place it in your palm add water until it is like thick yogurt and then spread it all over your face or any area you want acne free! WAIT until it dries out so that it starts to crack….take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry,
    2-Before you sleep with a cotton ball apply the WIPEOUT solution all over your face or any area you want acne free! And you are done!!! Watch as the acne disappears right before your eyes!!!!
    3- Tell them to drink lots of water with this beautiful GGA mug to detox and get clearer skin faster! ENJOY!

  • Corn Flour

    A cup of Go Green Armenia gluten-free real yellow corn flour has:
    Calories: 416
    Total fat: 4.4 grams, with almost no saturated fat
    Protein: 11 grams
    Carbohydrates: 89 grams, including 75 grams of starches

    This amount of flour provides 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and may reduce your risk of constipation. Corn flour is cholesterol-free and a source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which are amazing for your eyes and eyesight improvement. So substitute GGA real corn flour for white flour and see how it only takes 1 ingredient to a healthy you & bionic eyesight!!!


    Reduces Constipation
    Corn flour also improves bowel movement thereby limiting the possible chances of constipation.
    Some nutritional contents in cornflour mainly the fiber content stimulates the movement of the bowl, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it so that it can be easily excreted as often as necessary without difficulty.

    Energizes the Body
    Improves Bone Health
    Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals contained in cornflour that help to improve bone mineral density. In other words, potassium helps to conserve the amount of calcium in the body thereby reducing urinary calcium loss.
    Prevents High Blood Pressure
    Corn flour helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure; stroke and other related coronary artery diseases because it is scientifically considered a low-sodium diet.
    Improve Psychological Functions
    Corn flour is enriched with vitamins B’s such as vitamin B1, thiamin and B3, niacin, and the importance of these vitamins is to elevate cognitive functions. Also, the presence of magnesium in this extract contributes to psychological skills. Researches have shown that the potential role of magnesium is as a use for Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Therefore, the level of magnesium in the body can properly be improved through moderate consumption of cornflour in order to restore critical brain agility and totally enhance cognitive functions.


    Corn Flour

  • Hemp Seed Flour

    150 grams

    USE: Use as a flour substitute in your baking, cooking, or to enhance your smoothies, cereals, yogurt, and shakes.

    Hempseed Flour has been considered a superfood for the past 10,000 years!!! It provides an excellent supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids, and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc. Hemp Seeds also provide a good source of chlorophyll. So add a teaspoon in your smoothie, coffee, or tea in the morning, and just start your day with this superfood!! Easy peasy!!

    Fat-reduced with lower calories, our all-natural hemp seed flour has a nutty flavor, with 3 g omega-3 ALA, 7.5 g omega-6 LA, 0.3 g super omega-3 SDA,, 0.6 g super omega-6 GLA, and 10 g protein per serving. A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs, and mitochondria. The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. Gluten-free, paleo & vegan-friendly!

  • Organic Raw Honey

    Karavajar raw honey is an organic, natural sugar alternative with no additives that is easy on the stomach, adapts to all cooking processes, and has an indefinite shelf-life.


    Organic Raw Honey

  • Rosehip And Hawthorn Powdernia

    ROSEHIP & HAWTHORN POWDER: Ingredients – 85 % rosehip and 15% hawthorn. Full of vitamins. It helps support heart and blood vessels in congestive heart failure (CHF) situations, as well as can minimize chest pain and irregular heartbeats. It can stabilize blood pressure and normalize cholesterol levels. Also use in tea, shakes, smoothies, soups, and sauces!

  • Natural Beeswax Candle

    Beeswax Candle with Cedarwood Essential Oil

    Height: 4cm

    Width: 4.5cm

    Did you say you wanted natural beeswax candles!?!?! Well, here you go! Beautiful and long-burning (108 hrs) beeswax candles with amazing essential oil scents. Neutralizing pollutants, GGW beeswax candles produce negative ions when burned, and those ions help to neutralize pollutants in the air. This helps eliminate dust, odors, and mold in the atmosphere, easing allergy and asthma symptoms and improving breathing for anyone nearby.
    Comes in a sturdy glass holder and can be gift wrapped, which is ready to gift someone special in your life!

  • Chocolates With Pistachio

    Raw, gluten free, sugar free gourmet chocolate bear!
    Enjoy Armenian made gourmet chocolate!


    Chocolates With Pistachio

  • Acne Wipe Out Mask

    Armenian Natural Acne Wipe Out Mask 50mL
    Get rid of acne fast!
    Apply it 3 times a week and you will see amazing results! You will get a flare up of more acne in the beginning, since the baking soda causes the skin to get alkalized and so the bacteria that cause the acne want to move to a more suitable location so as a result you will get more break out. But don’t get discouraged it is only temporary as your skin is clearing out the acne causing bacteria. So use it 3 times a week if you have a problem with acne and you will get clear skin in no time.

    Take a teaspoon full of your GGW Wipeout Mask and slowly add warm water until it is a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and let it dry until it starts to crack. Take a wet GGW exfoliating hemp & flax hand mitt and using circular motion to remove the mask from your skin. Then wash it with warm water followed by cold water to close off the pores and shrink them as well.

  • Ground Arabica Coffee

    Finely ground and perfect for your morning, afternoon, and evening Armenian coffee!


    Ground Arabica Coffee




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