• Fig Leaf Tea

    Place 2 teaspoon all natural Fig leaves in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain and enjoy!
    The Fig leaf tea has a long history. It has followed the footsteps of mankind around the world and become a highly valued tea in many regions. Archaeological finds of this mystical tree date as far back as around 11,400 B.C.! It has even been posited that the Forbidden Fruit was a Fig, not the apple most commonly portrayed in the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Fig has many Biblical ties because it was cultivated in the areas in which events from the Bible took place. It took on symbolic significance when Adam and Eve used fig leaves as the first clothes. Figs are mentioned throughout the Bible over fifty times. Greek and Roman civilizations esteemed figs so highly that their love of the fruit influenced the invasion of Greece by Xerxes and the destruction of Carthage by the Romans. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, wrote a short explanation of the caprification process, whereby the Smyrna type figs are pollinated, in his “History of Animals”. Romulus and Remus are pictured nursing from the mother wolf while underneath a fig tree.
    Fig Leaf Tea Therapy help with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo, bronchitis, have anti-tumor properties, and the power to stabilize your blood pressure! This is big news for diabetics. Besides all that, the hint of figs in every sip is delightful!


    Fig Leaf Tea

  • Pomegranate Seed Flour

    150 grams
    Pomegranate being a superfood, at GGW we have created pomegranate seed flour for your daily use!

    Packed with ascorbic acid, carotenoids, ellagic acid, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins GGW pomegranate seed flour will aid you in:
    ▪︎ Digestive problems
    ▪︎ Heart diseases
    ▪︎ Stomach ulcers
    ▪︎ Even several cancers
    ▪︎ Thins your blood
    ▪︎ Prevents Atherosclerosis
    ▪︎ Helps to pump up the oxygen in the blood

    1 Cup of GGW pomegranate seed flour contains:

    ▪︎ Fiber: 7 grams
    ▪︎ Protein: 3 grams
    ▪︎ Folate: 16 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Potassium: 12 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Vitamin C: 30 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Vitamin K: 36 percent of the RDA

    Add it to your bread recipes, to soups as a thickening agent, to smoothies and shakes to add volume and phytonutrients, and to sauces and syrups to add fiber and texture! Pomegranate seed flour is one of our gluten-free vegan flours!

  • Holiday Gift Set

    Wonderful Holidays Gift Set! You can gift this anytime of the year!!!
    Comes in a Ecocraft bag!
    200g mountain Sorrel
    250g watermelon rind preserve
    25g wild thyme tea
    traditional Armenian card

  • Cold Pressed Apricot Kernel Oil

    Being cold-pressed, it does not contain any additional substances, so can be added to salads, cold meals, desserts, and more. Take 1 to 3 teaspoons daily before meals.

    It is also wonderful for dry skin & brittle hair. First cold-pressed from Armenian apricot kernels, it is a rejuvenating natural oil that’s ideal for softening fine lines and restoring a healthy glow to the skin. Used as a body moisturizer, rich in essential fatty acids, this gentle oil has excellent restorative properties that promote soft, radiant hair & help to soothe dry skin. Only a teaspoon is needed to rejuvenate your hair from the summer sun damage & 2 tablespoons for the entire body as a moisturizer. Use it after showers or as a night moisturizer.

    Apricot kernel oil is also rich in Vitamin K, which is known to reduce dark circles!
    Contains vitamin E and omega 6 fatty acids that deeply nourish the skin – allowing the nutrients to penetrate the surface of your skin and reach the blood cells.

  • Echinacea Tea

    Place 2 teaspoon echinacea leaves , flower & steam in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain.
    Echinacea Herb Benefits:
    The coneflower was one of the most important healing plants of the Native Americans of the North American prairies. They used the juice or a mush made from the ground herb or chewed pieces of root. Decoctions were used less frequently. The traditional areas of use are numerous and include, among others, wounds, burns, inflammations of the gums, toothache and sore throats, colds, coughs, mumps, measles, and gonorrhoea. There are many reports of Echinacea being used to treat snake and insect bites and generally as an antidote for symptoms of poisoning. Drinking Echinacea tea combats cancer cells , with its phytochemicals , boosts your immune system by 58% , alleviates pain , functions as a laxative , anti – inflammatory properties , helps ADD / ADHD.


    Echinacea Tea

  • “Royal Elixir” Drink

    Vordan Karmir Royal Elixir 100mL:
    This salubrious and invigorating unique drink is made of 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal, all according to Armenian ancient manuscript recipes. It is said to maintain good health, high immunity, and eternal health!
    The Royal balsamic elixir is prepared in accordance with medieval Armenian traditional and encrypted medical recipes and special distillation technology. In the Middle Ages this elixir was used by kings and was proven to give them youthfulness and zest. As a result of longterm research, the elixir’s recipe was discovered and decoded by Deacon Armen Sahakyan, Ph.D., phyto-therapíst and senior researcher át the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, the Matenadaran of Yerevan, Armenia. In the past it was prepared and kept in monasteries, with special rites accompanied by prayers. Currently the elixir is prepared át the Matenadaran and preserved in oak barrels. According to ancient traditions barrels are then transported to the “Hermit Caves” in the region of Vayots Dzor where monks realize Church services, accompanying them the healing prayers and sacred chants. ceremony of collecting and harvesting of the rare mountainous herbs takes place according to the way described in manuscripts, on specific lunar days, which fortifies the elixir’s strengtħ, aroma and flavor.
    Contents: The elixir is prepared from the Armenian hawthorn (Crataegus armena) fruits, cochineal from Ararat Valley (Porphyrophora hamelii) and extracts of 54 aromatic herbs,¯ roots and flowers, including Mastica mutica, Herba Ziziphorae, Rhizoma Calami, Radix Nardostachyos, Flores Cepha- lariae, Semen Myristicae, Fructus Cubebae, Stigmata Croci, Rhizoma Iridis, Folia Melissae, Herba Ma- joranae, Flores Xeranthemi, Folia Myrti, Hermit Herb. The preparation of the elixir lasts three years.
    Benefits: Since ancient times, the Elixir is well known for stimulating and strengthening blood circulation, as well as respiratory, digestive and nervous system. It also contributes to overcoming fatigue, feelings of anxiety and depression. According to medieval physicians, it “heals the heart and makes the spirit happy”. It is also recommended for elderly people as a preventive maintenance from risk of strokes and heart attacks. In case of senile sclerosis it improves memory.
    Usage: Drink a shot of it in the evenings to relax and get the benefits of all the wonderful 54 aromatic herbs, flowers, and cochineal oil it is made from! Drink 5-10 ml before eating with 1 tablespoon of natural raw mountain honey. It boosts the immune system.

  • Quinoa

    All the colors of quinoa available!
    Red, black, and white quinoa, each packaged individually, so you will be able to pick which you would like to try next!
    White quinoa is the most common quinoa type, which loses its form and can become sticky and starchy.
    Red quinoa holds its shape better than white quinoa after cooking. So this type is more suitable for cold salads and other recipes where you do lots of mixing and stirring.
    Black quinoa is a bit sweeter and earthier to taste as compared to the first 2 varieties. It also holds its black color even when cooked, so you can add color to meals.



  • Soft & Chewy Snickerdoodle Cookie

    Chewy & soft sprinkles with sugar and cinnamon, it’s a favorite cookie for the Holidays!
    10cm in diameter
    60g each

  • Dried Figs

    1 kg of Delicious Armenian Sun-Dried Figs!
    No preservatives added nor vacuum packed, this way you get the most wholesome dried fruit with all its sun kissed antioxidants and vitamins!  Please know that when you do order it during warm seasons, you will see little critters which are part of the fruit’s natural flora.  Don’t throw it out!!!  Just take the dried fruit and place it in the freezer for 24 hours.  Then after take it out and after 1 hour, wash them and dry them out.  Then after just pack them in a container and refrigerate them until use.

    Dried Figs

  • Handmade Soap

    Being one of the lightest oils available, grapeseed oil is easily absorbed and if you have oily and acne-prone skin, you will benefit from its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties owing to the polyphenols and high Vitamin E content. It relieves dry itchy skin and also reduces the look of stretch marks. Grapeseed oil is rich in Linoleic and Oleic fatty acids making this soap a natural moisturizer and a good aid in eczema treatment. Use it continuously to let grape seed work on your capillary vessels and observe the tightening of your skin. Has non-allergenic properties and is good for sensitive skin.

  • Lovely Lavender Bath Bomb

    Who said bath bombs can’t make huge bubbles!? Take a look at our 11cm high and 11cm in length Gigantic Lavender Bath Bombs which create the loudest fizz, the biggest bubbles, and the best tub fun for the summer! All-natural, made from our magnesium chloride, coconut oil, saponin, and natural calming lavender dye from black cherries. It is safe for all ages! Calm your nerves and relax, using nature’s given ingredients for a healthy you!

    120 grams

  • “Won’t Work Without Coffee” Mug

    GGA is collaborating with amazing artists and creative young adults to bring their business up a notch with unity we stand high! Get your GGA Won’t Work Without Coffee Mug 😎today! Get some for your family and friends! Get an extra one in case you give yours away!!! hahahahahhah
    This beautiful hand painted ceramic mug has our GGA logo which is so beautiful it represents what all Armenians aim for: Armenia being Green all the time with trees, forests, and always prosperous!! On the other side is our cat holding a sign saying won’t work without coffee! Every time you drink with this mug it will bring a smile to your face! Lets unite in positivity and think green prosperous Armenia with every sip! So don’t just order 1! We need a lot fo sipping to take place😉😎🎁 GO♻️🇦🇲



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