• Sujukh

    1 strand of Peach Alani (1 kg):
    Whole sun dried peach stuffed with walnuts! A healthy snack to slice in wedges and enjoy! Packed with vitamins, minerals and micro minerals, you will get your daily dose of nutrients in a wholesome delicious snack!


  • Cold Pressed Sea Buckthorn Oil

    50mL Sea Buckthorn Oil

    Get your dose of Omega 7. Take 1 teaspoon every night for dry eyes and 2 teaspoons for very dry eyes, but never put the drops into your eyes. Omega 7 helps lubricate dry eyes. Furthermore, GGW sea buckthorn oil helps to hydrate the skin by providing antioxidants that help fight skin damage caused by free radicals.

    High in fatty acids, carotenes, tocopherols, Vitamin B1, B2, C, K, P, & more than 12 microelements & phytosterols, this oil is wonderful for all skin types to revitalize and moisturize. Try GGW first cold pressed high-quality sea buckthorn oil and feel the difference.

    It might have some activity against stomach and intestinal ulcers, and heartburn symptoms.
    Developing research in China suggests that taking a particular sea buckthorn extract three times by mouth for 6 weeks lowers cholesterol, reduces chest pain, and improves heart function in people with heart disease.

    Skin Health

    – Sea buckthorn oil may help your skin heal from wounds, sunburns, frostbite and bedsores. It may also promote elasticity and protect against dryness.
    – Helps treat and prevent acne
    – Has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and redness associated with many skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
    – Helps prevent the development of wrinkles as well as shields the skin’s surface from the sun’s UV rays
    – Contains vitamins B1, B2, K, C, A, and E, folic acid, an array of powerful antioxidants and minerals, which as powerful nutrients and fatty acids work together to transform the skin.

  • Jalapeno Pickles

    HOT HOT HOT are our jalapeno pickles!!!! Grown in Armenia with lots of tender loving care, they will be the best you have tried!!!! Grown in beyond organic gardens, fertilized with natural manure, mulch and lots of hay! Try them and you won’t regret it!!

  • Skincare Gift Set

    Ok, so someone you know has acne and you want to help!?!!?!??!! Well, GGA is here to help and finally get rid of this problem they can have clear smooth skin!!!! YEAHHHH!!!! So here’s the perfect Holiday Gift Set for them!
    1-use our parsley soap: foam it up and then apply it on your face or any area you want acne free. Let is stay for at least 2 minutes or if you have time let it dry out. take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry.
    2-Rub our white iodine on the acne spots. Don’t apply it with anything other than the bottle dropper so that the iodine is absorbed by the skin and not your fingers nor the Q-tips!!!
    1-Use WIPEOUT MASK that really digs into the pours and cleans them out!!! Take a teaspoon amount place it in your palm add water until it is like thick yogurt and then spread it all over your face or any area you want acne free! WAIT until it dries out so that it starts to crack….take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry,
    2-Before you sleep with a cotton ball apply the WIPEOUT solution all over your face or any area you want acne free! And you are done!!! Watch as the acne disappears right before your eyes!!!!
    3- Tell them to drink lots of water with this beautiful GGA mug to detox and get clearer skin faster! ENJOY!

  • GGA 2022 Armenian Mug 11cm

    AT GGA we want to keep the Armenian spirits up and so here’s the best Armenian mug for 2022! Stay healthy by drinking our GGA teas from this beautiful tall mug. Hand painted with detail, our artisans in Armenia are amazingly talented!! Gift it to anyone and they will adore this mug!
    Height: 11cm(4.5in)

  • Milk Thistle Meal

    GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️ 🇦🇲GO♻️
    GGA Milk Thistle Meal contains 100% ground milk thistle seeds. Milk thistle has been used as a liver restorative for thousands of years in Europe. It contains the antioxidant silymarin, which is thought to be responsible for the milk thistle’s helpful effects.
    For therapeutic purposes take 1-2 tsp of Milk Thistle Meal up to three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. Alternatively use 1-2 tsp a day in food, sprinkled on soups and salads or blended with yogurt, smoothies, protein drinks, or fruit juice.

  • Frankincense Infused Oil

    The oil is known for its exhibited benefits including:
    ▪ Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-microbial & Antiseptic properties
    ▪ Anti-inflammatory activity
    ▪ Immunomodulatory & anti-leukotriene
    ▪ Wound healing properties
    ▪ Astringent, cicatrisant and sedative properties

    Frankincense oil is a treatment for:
    ▪ Skin diseases
    ▪ Urinary tract infections
    ▪ Gynaecological disorders
    ▪ Respiratory infections
    ▪ Alleviates the pain caused by rheumatism

    External: Frankincense infused oil can be directly applied on the skin
    Internal: Put 5 drops under your tongue every day and get the amazing benefits mentioned above


    Frankincense Infused Oil

  • Corn Flour

    A cup of Go Green Armenia gluten-free real yellow corn flour has:
    Calories: 416
    Total fat: 4.4 grams, with almost no saturated fat
    Protein: 11 grams
    Carbohydrates: 89 grams, including 75 grams of starches

    This amount of flour provides 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and may reduce your risk of constipation. Corn flour is cholesterol-free and a source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which are amazing for your eyes and eyesight improvement. So substitute GGA real corn flour for white flour and see how it only takes 1 ingredient to a healthy you & bionic eyesight!!!


    Reduces Constipation
    Corn flour also improves bowel movement thereby limiting the possible chances of constipation.
    Some nutritional contents in cornflour mainly the fiber content stimulates the movement of the bowl, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it so that it can be easily excreted as often as necessary without difficulty.

    Energizes the Body
    Improves Bone Health
    Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals contained in cornflour that help to improve bone mineral density. In other words, potassium helps to conserve the amount of calcium in the body thereby reducing urinary calcium loss.
    Prevents High Blood Pressure
    Corn flour helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure; stroke and other related coronary artery diseases because it is scientifically considered a low-sodium diet.
    Improve Psychological Functions
    Corn flour is enriched with vitamins B’s such as vitamin B1, thiamin and B3, niacin, and the importance of these vitamins is to elevate cognitive functions. Also, the presence of magnesium in this extract contributes to psychological skills. Researches have shown that the potential role of magnesium is as a use for Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Therefore, the level of magnesium in the body can properly be improved through moderate consumption of cornflour in order to restore critical brain agility and totally enhance cognitive functions.


    Corn Flour

  • Walnut Seed & Scion

    Are you looking forward to another gardening season next year!?!
    Well, this walnut is 3 – 4 times bigger than any other from 32-55g each!!! This is a new variety of walnut that was accidentally produced in Yerevan, Armenia when a regular walnut was planted and the resulting tree now produces these giant walnuts!!! They have a very thin shell that is easily breakable by hand (no tools required!). 
    Buy GGA gigantic walnut on Buy Armenian: you can choose to plant the seed and/or graft scions on your own walnut tree to get these amazing gigantic walnuts!!

    Walnut Seed & Scion

  • Cheer For Cher Gift Pack

    GGA Cheer For Cher Gift Pack (From the Aghveran Region of Armenia!!)
    50g raw unsalted walnut
    100g prune(sundried no sugar, preservatives,nor additives)
    100g dried apricot(sundried no sugar, preservatives,nor additives)
    Simple, delicious, priceless gifts to keep around the house to give away during the holidays or just to say THANK YOU or I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Taste the difference in Armenian!!!
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:
    Like & follow us on FB:
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld ! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggadriedfruit #ggagiftpacks #ggaArmeniandriedapricot #driedapricot #prune #driedplum #gganuts #code485 #madeinarmenia #Armenian #լավբանհայաստանում

  • Recycled Nylon Stocking Blouse

    Go Green Armenia is investing in astisans who design and make anything amazing from recycled products to reduce the waste in Armenia! This is made from recycled nylon stockings and it is an original amazing blouse that you can wear over spaghetti straps, your favorite black dress, or just like that for a beautiful accent of autumn colors and a unique addition to your look!

  • Sun Dried Fruits And Nut

    GGA ARMENIAN BOUNTY 850g (2lbs) filled with sun dried fruits and nut/fruit delights!
    22cmX12cmX8cm (8.6in X 4.7in X 3.1in)



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