• Carrot Preserves With Stevia

    GGA Carrot Preserves with Stevia no sugar no additives nor preservatives 500g
    Preserving carrots keeps the antioxidant carotenoid found in carrots in tact! Carotenoids or beta carotene, are available in abundance in carrots and are more readily available when carrots are cooked & preserved. Beta carotene is a provitamin that the body readily converts into vitamin A. This nutrient boosts hair growth, improves eye health, keeps heart healthy and is even said to have anti-cancer properties. When carrots are cooked & preserves, the cell walls of the plant tissues soften, making it easier for our digestive system to absorb beta-carotene. GGA Carrot Preserves are loaded with fiber, vitamin K1 and potassium. While fiber content keeps your bowel movement smooth, the potassium content reduces high blood pressure and also guards against kidney stones. The orange color provides lutein, which is said to lower the risk of cataract formation as well.
    Enjoy them with your coffee or tea, have them as a snack, or use them in desserts, sauces, and liquor preparations!

  • Helichrysum Flower Tea

    Helichrysum flower tea has a light fruity flavor. It is made by infusing a handful of dried flowers in a mug of boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes, then drink. Can also be used as a decorative dried flower with multicolors to accent your decor!!
    The following are the health benefits attributed to Helichrysum flower tea:
    • Alleviate gastrointestinal and gallbladder spasms.
    • Aid in improving digestion.
    • Help prevent atherosclerotic plaques.
    • Help in the treatment of rheumatism.
    • Help in fighting cystitis.
    • Help in maintaining energy levels in people suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome and jet lag.
    Helichrysum flower tea 25g
    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 8:30-21:30), Baghramyan 79/1 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!

    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.

  • Pumpkin Preserve With Stevia

    While commonly viewed as a vegetable, pumpkin is scientifically a fruit, as it contains seeds. That said, it’s nutritionally more similar to vegetables than fruits. Most importantly 245g has 49 calories!!!! IT is loaded with Vitamin A(which alleviates dry skin), C, B2, E, Potassium,Iron, Copper, and Manganese. Being high in antioxidants and beta carotene, it is important for your eyes, skin, and will boost your immunity! So eat it daily in the Winter to help your body stay healthy and strong!
    GGA Pumpkin Preserve with stevia 500g no sugar, additives, nor preservatives
    Click on the link below to order:
    💐💐💐 . https://buyarmenian.com/product/gga-tea-therapy-gift-set/
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggahoney #ggarawhoney #Armenianhoney #honey #rawhoney #code485 #madeinarmenia #ggapumpkinpreserve #pumpkins #pumpkinpreserve #preserves #Armenianpreserves #nosugar #withstevia #pumpkinpreservewithstevia #gganosugarpreserves #ggapreserves #vitamina #vitaminc #potassium #betacarotene

  • Sesame Seed Flour

    150 grams
    Sesame seed flour is a great source of Niacin, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, and Manganese, and also Thiamin.
    Some studies suggest that eating sesame seed flour regularly may help decrease high cholesterol and triglycerides, as it contains two types of plant compounds — lignans and phytosterols. Sesame seed flour is a good source of protein, which is a necessary building block for your body, and magnesium, which may help lower blood pressure. Additionally, its antioxidants may help prevent plaque buildup. Sesame seed flour is especially rich in nutrients vital to bone health, including calcium and zinc.

    Sesame seed flour is also a good source of vitamin B6, which is necessary for proper cellular function and metabolism. Plant compounds and vitamin E in sesame seed flour function as antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress in your body. Sesamin, a compound in sesame seeds, may help reduce joint pain and support mobility in arthritis of the knee.
    You can add GGW sesame seed flour to your granola, salads, smoothies, shakes, hummus, yogurt, garnishes, crackers, oatmeal, salad dressings, stir-fries, vegetables, bread, and cookies…
    You have sooo many options!!!

  • Stevia Leaves

    So you want your food and drinks to be sweet but without sugar?! Stevia leaves are 200 times sweeter than white sugar, but has almost no calories! This makes it perfect for weight loss and diabetics.  It is much healthier than white sugar. Perfect for sweetening tea, coffee, baked goods, oatmeal, pancakes and anything else that needs sugar, Stevia leaves also contain proteins, carbohydrates, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals along with Vitamins A and C. Grown in Armenia, beyond organic!


    Stevia Leaves

  • Skin Cream

    Maximum Strength Baby Diaper Rash Cream with 40% Zinc Oxide for Treatment, Relief & Prevention, Hypoallergenic, Phthalate & Paraben – Free Paste; also used for eczema, cracked skin on heels, elbows, knees, and hands, with SPF 40.

    Skin Cream

  • Wild Thyme Tea

    Benefits of Go Green Armenia’s wild thyme tea:
    ‣ Anti-fungal
    ‣ Fights indigestion and gas
    ‣ Treats bronchitis and cough
    ‣ Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
    ‣ Keeps the brain from aging

    Thyme has been known since ancient times for its magical, culinary, and medicinal virtues. Tradition held that an infusion of thyme taken as a tea on midsummer’s eve would enable one to see the fairies dancing. Young women wore a corsage of blossoming thyme to signal their availability for romance. The generic name may have been inspired by one of thyme’s traditional attributes. Greek folk herbalists believed that thyme would impart courage (thumus in Greek) to those who used the herb, particularly soldiers. Greek men particularly liked the pungent scent of thyme and would rub the herb on their chests. The Romans believed that adding thyme to bath water would impart energy. They also included thyme in bedding to chase melancholy and to prevent nightmares.

    The strong scent of thyme was employed as a moth repellent, and burned as fumigating incense. The philosopher-herbalist Pliny the Elder recommended burning the dried herb in the house to “put to flight all venomous creatures.” In the kitchen thyme has been used for centuries to season sauces, soups, stuffing, and soups. Thyme has long been recognized for its antiseptic properties. The Egyptians used the herb in formulas for embalming the dead. The herb was among those burned in sickrooms to help stop the spread of disease. Oil of thyme was used on surgical dressings and in times of war as recently as World War I, to treat battle wounds.


    Wild Thyme Tea

  • Skincare Gift Set

    Ok, so someone you know has acne and you want to help!?!!?!??!! Well, GGA is here to help and finally get rid of this problem they can have clear smooth skin!!!! YEAHHHH!!!! So here’s the perfect Holiday Gift Set for them!
    1-use our parsley soap: foam it up and then apply it on your face or any area you want acne free. Let is stay for at least 2 minutes or if you have time let it dry out. take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry.
    2-Rub our white iodine on the acne spots. Don’t apply it with anything other than the bottle dropper so that the iodine is absorbed by the skin and not your fingers nor the Q-tips!!!
    1-Use WIPEOUT MASK that really digs into the pours and cleans them out!!! Take a teaspoon amount place it in your palm add water until it is like thick yogurt and then spread it all over your face or any area you want acne free! WAIT until it dries out so that it starts to crack….take a damp towel and using circular motion wipe it off….then wash it with warm water and then follow it with cold water then dry,
    2-Before you sleep with a cotton ball apply the WIPEOUT solution all over your face or any area you want acne free! And you are done!!! Watch as the acne disappears right before your eyes!!!!
    3- Tell them to drink lots of water with this beautiful GGA mug to detox and get clearer skin faster! ENJOY!

  • Sun Dried Fruits Gift Pack

    GGA Cheer For Cher Gift Pack (From the Aghveran Region of Armenia!!)
    200g prune(sun dried no sugar, preservatives, nor additives)
    200g dried apricot(sun dried no sugar, preservatives, nor additives)
    Simple, delicious, priceless gifts to keep around the house to give away during the holidays or just to say THANK YOU or I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Taste the difference in Armenian!!!
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld ! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggadriedfruit #ggagiftpacks #ggaArmeniandriedapricot #driedapricot #prune #driedplum #gganuts #code485 #madeinarmenia #Armenian #լավբանհայաստանում

  • Fig Molasses

    In Armenia, to make fig molasses fresh figs are cooked in copper kettles, reducing them to less than half their original volume. The fruit is separated from the syrup, leaving a concentrated, thick, sweet molasses. Drizzle it onto yoghurt, atop pancakes, over oatmeal. It’s particularly delicious paired with grilled meats, like pork or flank steak.


    Fig Molasses

  • Handmade Soap

    This Strawberry Soap is super rich in Vitamin C, which is great in boosting your skin’s collagen production. Because of its acidic nature, GGW Strawberry Handmade Soap can help remove excess oil from your skin.

    Rich in ellagic acid that provides heavy-duty protection against the harm caused by UV rays, GGW Strawberry Handmade Soap has magical skin cleansing abilities, which is why it’s a sought-after ingredient in a deep cleansing soap!

    The salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), and exfoliants of strawberries helps give your skin a deep cleanse, reduces puffy under eyes, and a light glycolic peel. These are of massive value in removing dead cells, reducing skin damage and removing impurities and other irritants.

    So when you use our soap best to use it like this: wet your skin and start forming a lather with your soap. Use circular motion to apply and massage it on your skin. Best to let it dry a bit before you use your GGW Hemp/Flax Exfoliating Hand Mitt and exfoliate it off and then use warm water to rinse off and lastly cold water to close off the pores and tighten your skin to a beautiful you!



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