• Moringa Leaf Tea

    The leaves are the most nutritious part of the moringa plant, being a significant source of B vitamins, vitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin K, manganese, and protein. The leaves are used to make tea or even cooked and used like spinach and are commonly dried and crushed into a powder used in soups and sauces or as a supplement for pets. It is also used for water purification.


    Moringa Leaf Tea

  • Corn Flour

    A cup of Go Green Armenia gluten-free real yellow corn flour has:
    Calories: 416
    Total fat: 4.4 grams, with almost no saturated fat
    Protein: 11 grams
    Carbohydrates: 89 grams, including 75 grams of starches

    This amount of flour provides 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and may reduce your risk of constipation. Corn flour is cholesterol-free and a source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which are amazing for your eyes and eyesight improvement. So substitute GGA real corn flour for white flour and see how it only takes 1 ingredient to a healthy you & bionic eyesight!!!


    Reduces Constipation
    Corn flour also improves bowel movement thereby limiting the possible chances of constipation.
    Some nutritional contents in cornflour mainly the fiber content stimulates the movement of the bowl, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it so that it can be easily excreted as often as necessary without difficulty.

    Energizes the Body
    Improves Bone Health
    Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals contained in cornflour that help to improve bone mineral density. In other words, potassium helps to conserve the amount of calcium in the body thereby reducing urinary calcium loss.
    Prevents High Blood Pressure
    Corn flour helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure; stroke and other related coronary artery diseases because it is scientifically considered a low-sodium diet.
    Improve Psychological Functions
    Corn flour is enriched with vitamins B’s such as vitamin B1, thiamin and B3, niacin, and the importance of these vitamins is to elevate cognitive functions. Also, the presence of magnesium in this extract contributes to psychological skills. Researches have shown that the potential role of magnesium is as a use for Alzheimer’s disease therapy. Therefore, the level of magnesium in the body can properly be improved through moderate consumption of cornflour in order to restore critical brain agility and totally enhance cognitive functions.


    Corn Flour

  • GGA Borage Seed Oil (Gole Gav Zaban)

    Borage seed oil(gole gav zaban) is a nutritional supplement which is rich in essential fatty acids that can regulate the body’s immune system and fight joint inflammation. The available evidence suggests that borage seed oil may improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Borage seed oil is made from the seeds of the borage plant.

  • Dried Fruits & Nuts Collection

    A beautiful arrangement of dried fruits ranging from dried apricots, red prunes, peach, sour fruit leather made into a rose, sesame seed covered dried fruit balls and hazelnuts! All wholesome sun dried fruits with no sugar added. Comes wrapped and ready for gifting anytime of the year!

  • GGA Black Lima Beans grown in Arevshat,Armenia 600g

    Black Lima beans, also known as butter beans are popular legumes that are known for their mild buttery flavor and meaty texture. There are many health, skin and hair benefits associated with Black Lima beans. They possess a potato-like starchy taste.

  • Anti-Aging Balm

    Vordan Karmir Anti-aging Balm 5g:
    DESCRIPTION: Vordan Karmir Anti-aging Balm contains the natural components of plants grown in alpine areas, on soil formed by volcanic rocks. Such plants are characterized by an increased content of biologically active substances – essential oils, flavonoids and tannins, other phenol compounds, vitamins, carotenoids, as well as vitally important micro-elements in a natural, balanced, easily assimilable form.
    Due to the combined effect of these natural ingredients, Vordan Karmir Anti-aging Balm provides an emollient and regenerative effect, increases the resistance of the skin to various irritants, smoothes and softens the surface of the epidermis, maintains the natural moistness of the skin, helps eliminate the visible signs of aging and provide added moisture and protection to dry aging skin.
    INGREDIENTS: The base of Vordan Karmir Anti-aging Balm is beeswax and exclusively natural oils (almond, walnut, hempseed, grape seed oils), extracted first cold pressed.
    The main active ingredients of the ointment are the extracts of ziziphora and Ararat cochineal (Porphyrophora hamelii), endemic to the Ararat valley. It provides healing effects (anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, normalizing blood supply, restoring micro-circulation, resolving infiltrations in the inflammation area, stimulating regeneration).
    Other active ingredients are violet oil (immuno-modulator) and extracts of medicinal herbs growing in mountainous, ecologically clean regions of Armenia, having anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-oxidant, anti-hypoxic, and immunity correcting effect.
    USAGE: Vordan Karmir Anti-aging Balm is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed skin in the evening; it is more effective to use it during the night, the best time for skin renewal from inside out. Wipe the face with a cotton swab soaked with Vortan Karmir Toner Lotion then apply Vortan Karmir Anti-aging Balm before you sleep.

  • Greeting Cards Pack

    Armenian-themed greeting cards, three different designs. Contain ceramic elements made from Armenian clay.

    Buy 3 to get 5% discount

    Greeting Cards Pack

    Buy 3 to get 5% discount
  • Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils

    Did you know that the arils of just one pomegranate contain enough vitamin C to give you 40% of your daily needs?!? Vitamin C is extremely important in helping support immune function and aiding in over all health. Another added health benefit of pomegranate arils is that they are an excellent source of fiber which is known to keep your appetite satisfied longer and help in preventing over eating. This in turn helps with weight loss. GGA dried pomegranate arils are a good source of these essential vitamins: C, K, and B5.
    Preliminary studies show that pomegranate seeds may help inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
    Pomegranate arils are extremely rich in antioxidants, tannins, quercetin, and anthocyanin. The fruit is also high in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
    A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the antioxidants in pomegranates reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    a healthy yet sweet treat that is bursting with flavor, sun dried without any added sugars nor oils! Can be added to both savory and dessert style foods, adding a unique and tantalizing flavor to any dish. ENJOY!
    GGA Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils 100g

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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggapomegranate #ggadriedpomegranatearils #Armeniandriedpomegranatearils #driedfruits #driedpomegranatearils #code485 #madeinarmenia #organicdriedfruits #ggadriedfruits

  • “Gift Of Warmth” Gift Box

    GGA Gift of Warmth!! This will put a smile on their face and give them the gift of warmth! Snuggled with a GGA mug of Armenian wild thyme tea and chewy mewy chocolate chip, cookies is the best way to spend your holidays warm and cozy!
    GGA Gift of Warmth includes:
    GGA mug
    Wild Thyme Tea
    2 Chewy Mewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Gift Of Bouquet Teas

    Gift a GGA Gift of Bouquet Teas, and have them taste the aromatic bouquet teas from Armenia!!!
    The collection includes GGA Mug, Dried Yarrow, Dried Mountain Germander, Dried Everlasting Flower Bouquets! The floral smells and tastes are unimaginable and indescribable! All they will say is WOW!

  • Apricot Kernels Seeds Stones Laetrile

    You may have heard about “laetrile” and how it can potentially help heal cancer, including breast cancer. Laetrile is the commercial label for apricot kernels (it also goes by name amygdalin or Vitamin B17).
    In the 1930s, Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about a tribe called the Hunzas who lived in the remote countryside near Northern Pakistan. According McCarrison’s written observations, the Hunzas seemed to enjoy near-perfect health. Some lived to be over 135 years old and no one in their clan had any of the conditions so common in the modern world, such as diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and cancer.
    So at GO GREEN ARMENIA, we want the people of the land of apricots, Armenia, to have the same health, especially since it has the natural resources that it should!!
    You will need to determine the best amount for yourself. With that said most people find that one apricot seed for every 5kg (10 lbs.) of body weight per day spread out throughout the day is a good amount. You should build up to this amount over a few days. Start with one apricot seed an hour.
    1 ingredient for a healthy you!
    GGA Armenian Apricot kernels with shell 120g

  • Raw Honey Set

    A sweet sampler of honey (each sealed in 60g glass jar containers) from all the 7 regions of Armenia with honey production! Below are the names of the most hard-working Armenian Beekeepers and the region they are keeping their bees and producing wonderful wholesome honey.

    Parantzem Petrosyan in Vayots Dzor Region- Eghegis Village
    Hamlet Yeghshatyan in Aragatsotn Region – Tsakhkahovit Village
    Ararat Harutyunyan in Lori Region – Yeghegnut Village
    Tigran Kyureghyan in Artsakh – Karvachar Village
    Grigor Karapetyan in Kotayk Region – Kotayk Village
    Yegor Gabrielyan in Gegharkunik Region – Gagarin Village
    Alik Martirosyan in Syunik Region – Ishkhanasar Village



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