• Hollyhock Flower & Seed Tea

    GGA Hollyhock Flower & Seed Tea
    Use this tea to prevent and treat cough, cold, fever, breathing disorders and digestive tract problems. It prevents kidney stones and relieves chest congestion. It treats peptic ulcers, hay fever, bladder inflammation, colic, gastritis, emphysema, diarrhea and bronchitis.
    You can apply the infusion directly to the skin for treating ulcers, wounds, and painful swellings.
    Can also be used to spray your hair to prevent split ends before blow drying.


    Hollyhock Flower & Seed Tea

  • Star Anise & Pine Needle Tea

    Suramin & shikimic acid!!! What are they? Well it’s found in star anise and pine needle tea! Basically they are natural organic compounds that inhibit viruses to replicate and multiply. So what do you think? It’s a good thing!
    GGA Star Anise & Pine Needle Tea

    Սուրամին և շիկիմաթթու
    Հանդիպում են անիսոնի և սոճու ասեղի թեյի մեջ: Օրգանական միացություններ են, որոնք խանգարում են վիրուսների բազմացումը:
    ԳԳԱ-ի անիսոն և սոճու ասեղի թեյ

    Сурамин и шикимовая кислота !!! Кто они такие? Его можно найти в бадьяне и чае из хвои! В основном это природные органические соединения, которые препятствуют размножению и размножению вирусов. Так что ты думаешь? Это хорошо!
    Чай ГГА GGA Чай со звездчатым анисом и хвоей


    Star Anise & Pine Needle Tea

  • Flax Seed Oil

    COLD PRESSED, crushed, unrefined, premium oil

    Net weight: 250g +/-3%

  • Tansy Flower Tea

    NEW! GGA Tansy Flower Tea!
    Used to treat roundworm and threadworm, lice, and bacterial infections, colds, lung infections, kidney & liver detox, high fever. Used daily to calm nerves as well.
    How to use it:
    Take 3 branches of tansy and break it up into small portions to fit in your bowl. Add 500mL of boiling water, cover, and let steep for 30 minutes before drinking it. Have 1 cup for 10 days for therapeutic reasons mentioned above.
    GGA Tansy Flower Tea 25g

  • Dark Chocolate Bar

    Bean-to-bar 85% bitter artisan chocolate, made from Papua New Guinea cocoa beans, 70 gr.

  • Armenian White Mulberry Bare Root Tree

    Don’t you want to have your very own Armenian trees!?! From bare root shipped from Armenia to a beautiful Armenian white mulberry tree planted a few weeks ago in California!!!! It is healthy and full of leaves and will soon have its first white mulberries hanging like ornaments! Our trees are grafted on 3 year old trees so you will have fruit the first Spring after planting them! Order your Armenian Food Forest now!
    🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲 🌳🇦🇲

  • Cold Pressed Pumpkin Seed Oil

    GGA Pumpkin Seed Oil has an intense nutty taste and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It can serve as a salad dressing. The typical dressing consists of pumpkin seed oil and cider vinegar. The oil is also used for desserts, giving ordinary vanilla ice cream a nutty taste. It is considered a delicacy and a few drops are added to pumpkin soup and other dishes.

  • Organic Almond Butter

    Mmmm, almond butter. Delicious, nutty and an excellent alternative to switch with peanut butter in for its flavor and versatility. With high vitamin E and magnesium, almond butter is a great choice. It can be used for baking in place of flour and much more. Check out these delicious uses for almond butter.
    Besides spreading it on bread and adding a jam topping, you can add it to yogurt and serve it as a dip with apples, pears, celery and other fruits and vegetables.
    Make an easy delicious smoothie. Just blend it with a frozen banana and milk (any dairy or non-dairy milk will do). Simple and delicious.
    Substitute 1 cup of flour with 1/2 cup of almond butter and just make your baked good to die for!!


    Organic Almond Butter

  • Walnut Leaf Tea

    Place 2 teaspoon black walnut leaves in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain and enjoy!

    Walnut leaf tea is great for treating serious fungal and bacterial infections, inflammation in the digestive system, acne, dandruff, athlete’s foot, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, prevents breast, oral, and colon cancer cells.
    The leaves have an aromatic oil, and its tea assists in the reduction of glucose present in the urine, being widely used in the treatment of patients with diabetes, a great bath for women’s intimate cleansing, insect repellent, wound healing and rashes. It has astringent, antiseptic, healing, tonifying, vermifuge and hypoglycemic properties. Also known to fight intestinal parasites, in conjunction with black walnut hull powder and pumpkin seed oil.


    Black walnut leaves offer you a great herbal remedy for conditions, including:
    • Uterus, bladder, ovarian inflammation
    • Anemia
    • Angina
    • Arthritis
    • Bad breath
    • Dry skin
    • Acne
    • Diabetes
    • Diarrhea
    • Weakness
    • Gout
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Jaundice
    • Rheumatism
    • Perspiration
    • Impurity in the blood
    • Its external use is effective in treating wounds, rashes and tumors


    Walnut Leaf Tea




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