• Dried Red Plums

    Сухофрукты сушеные натуральные сахара без 0,5 кг

  • Baklava Mix Box


    No preservatives, artificial flavors & coloring agents

    Keep in +18 +3C, humidity 65-75%

    Net wheight = 800 gram

  • Fig Leaf Tea

    Place 2 teaspoon all natural Fig leaves in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain and enjoy!
    The Fig leaf tea has a long history. It has followed the footsteps of mankind around the world and become a highly valued tea in many regions. Archaeological finds of this mystical tree date as far back as around 11,400 B.C.! It has even been posited that the Forbidden Fruit was a Fig, not the apple most commonly portrayed in the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Fig has many Biblical ties because it was cultivated in the areas in which events from the Bible took place. It took on symbolic significance when Adam and Eve used fig leaves as the first clothes. Figs are mentioned throughout the Bible over fifty times. Greek and Roman civilizations esteemed figs so highly that their love of the fruit influenced the invasion of Greece by Xerxes and the destruction of Carthage by the Romans. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, wrote a short explanation of the caprification process, whereby the Smyrna type figs are pollinated, in his “History of Animals”. Romulus and Remus are pictured nursing from the mother wolf while underneath a fig tree.
    Fig Leaf Tea Therapy help with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo, bronchitis, have anti-tumor properties, and the power to stabilize your blood pressure! This is big news for diabetics. Besides all that, the hint of figs in every sip is delightful!


    Fig Leaf Tea

  • “Arishta” Pasta

    Noodles from high quality flour 0.400 kg

  • Walnut Preserve


    Baby Walnuts:
    A popular preserve among the Eastern nations of the world! Made with precious baby green walnuts not fully ripe but preserved in a sweet syrup made from stevia. Enjoy it simply with tea or coffee as a delight to sweeten your hot beverages. Then go full out and spread it on butter or cream as well as mascarpone! It has an aromatic and nutty flavor with all the essential benefits. Walnut fruits contain a rich set of Vitamin C and B complex, trace elements important for the functioning of the body acids, as well as phytoncides that help in the fight against certain types of bacteria.
    The content of iodine in green fruits is especially high, therefore, most often, jam is recommended for people with thyroid problems. Benefits can be felt with the following health problems:
    with instability of blood pressure (hypertension)
    for insomnia, migraines and headaches
    with depression and all kinds of fears
    with liver diseases
    to improve immunity, especially for colds: sore throat, flu and others
    with gastritis
    with atherosclerosis.
    And this is only the data of official medical results. Traditional medicine recommends the use of nut preserve with rheumatism, gout, the presence of gynecological and urological diseases. So try something new, enjoy the taste of old ancient civilization’s sweets with a modern twist.

  • TealTea Natural Thyme tea

    TealTea thyme tea made from natural herbs, which has a number of positive properties.

    Net Weight: 25 grams

  • Autumn Crocus Saffron Flower Tea

    GGA Autumn Crocus Saffron Flower Tea is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and can provide some significant health benefits. Saffron is also a great source of copper. This mineral helps support your body’s nervous system, aids in the production of red blood cells, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure (good source of magnesium & potassium) and acts as an antioxidant to prevent cell damage that can lead to chronic diseases. it contains crocin and crocetin, antioxidants that may help improve memory function. Take 1 dried GGA Autumn Crocus Saffron Flower and place it in a cup of boiling water; cover and steep for 15 minutes and enjoy to benefits!
    GGA Autumn Crocus Saffron Flower Tea 2g

  • Dried Cornel

    Dried Cornel  without sugar and chemical additives. Net Weight 100g:

    Dried Cornel

  • Passionflower Tea

    Passion Flower tea is known for soothing nervous restlessness, sleeplessness, and anxiety-related gastrointestinal problems. Passionflower tea with St. John’s Wort flowers is best known for its relaxing and calming effects. So try it to relax after a hectic week! Passionflower tea is commonly used to support restful sleep! In 2011, a double-blind investigation found that participants who drank passionflower tea reported better sleep quality than the placebo group. Passion flower tea may provide gentle relief for symptoms of withdrawal from smoking. Many smokers start and fail cessation programs because they can’t overcome the nicotine withdrawal. By drinking a cup of passionflower tea a day helps you quit smoking once and for all!! So try it!!
    Passionflower tea offers many other benefits, like having an aphrodisiac effect!


    Passionflower Tea




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