• KARABERD TEA Ալպիական լեռնափունջ

    Զուտ քաշը՝ 35 գրամ

    Բաղադրությունը՝ ազնվամորու, մոշի և հաղարջի տերեւներ, անանուխ, վայրի անանուխ, ուրց, հիպերիկում, մելիսա, կանթապա, երիցուկ (մշակված):
    Օգտակար հատկություններ. այս հրաշալի փունջն ունի յուրահատուկ համ և հաճելի բուրմունք, յուրահատուկ համ, հանգստացնող, առողջարար և իմունիտետը բարձրացնող ազդեցություն:

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  • KARABERD TEA Ջերմացնող փունջ

    Զուտ քաշը՝ 35 գրամ

    Բաղադրությունը՝ Լինդենի, անանուխի, ազնվամորու և մոշի տերևներ։

    Օգտակար հատկություններ. այս փունջն ունի հաճելի բուրմունք, ունի տաք, հակաբորբոքային, հակաքրտինքային և անոթները մաքրող հատկություն։

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  • KARABERD TEA Թարմություն

    Net Weight: 35 grams

    Ingredients: thyme, mint, oregano.
    Useful properties: this bunch regulates blood pressure, cleanses the body, is useful for regulting digestion, as it has a refreshing and restorative effect.

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  • Rose Charm Tea

    Healthy flower tea. Ingredients: tea rose petals. High quality. Collected from environmentally friendly flower zones of Armenia. Good for the heart, liver, nervous and digestive systems. Gives a good mood.

    Tea CHARM OF ROSES from MARMARA will give your body health and peace of mind. The Queen of Flowers will fill warm evenings and give you complete pleasure. It is perfect for those who prefer privacy, and for tea drinking in a pleasant company.

    This rose tea is part of the formula for youthful and healthy skin. Good for the heart, liver, nervous and digestive systems. Gives a good mood.

    Pour 200g boiling water on one teaspoon of tea and leave it for 30-60 minutes. You may also make stronger tea and gradually add boiling water, depending on your preference.
    12 (+_2) grams.
    Thank you for choosing us!

    Warning: This tea is not a medicine. In case of health problems, sensitivity to ingredients, contraindications or allergies, it should be used only with the advice or supervision of a physician. We are not responsible for these cases. Discontinue use if your body experiences a negative reaction to any of the ingredients.

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  • Thyme Tea

    High quality thyme tea. Collected and cleaned by hand. Contains only selected thyme leaves and flowers.
    It is a wonderful and aromatic herbal tea. It is for everyday and prophylactic use. It boosts your mood, makes brain function better and is good for digestion, stress, insomnia and anxiety. Eliminates bad breath. Thick infusion is not recommended for low blood pressure. It contains natural vitamins og the group B, C, A, K, copper, iron, magnium and etc. It is dried in special conditions and all beneficial nutrients are preserved. The way of making: add 200 ml of boiling water to 1-2 teaspoons of basil, leave for 15-20 minutes.
    25 (+-2) grams.
    Thank you for choosing us!
    Enjoy it…✨️

    Thyme Tea

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  • Rosehip Tea

    High quality natural rose hips. It is a healthy and tonic tea for everyday and prophylactic use. It improves the immune system and considers as antioxidant. It activates metabolism and digestion. It removes toxins from the body, improves heart rate. Rosehip tea is beneficial for the flu, hypertonia and fatigue. It is rich in vitamins C, P E. It contains iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc. The tea has natural acidity. The strong rosehip tea is not recommended for heartburn and gastritis. The way of making: add 200 ml of boiling water to 1-2 spoons of rosehip and boil it for 10-15 minutes, then leave it for 30-40 minutes to rest.
    100 (+_5) grams.
    Thank you for choosing us!

    Warning: This tea is not a medicine. In case of health problems, sensitivity to ingredients, contraindications or allergies, it should be used only with the advice or supervision of a physician. We are not responsible for these cases. Discontinue use if your body experiences a negative reaction to any of the ingredients.

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  • Lemon Melissa Tea

    Lemon Melissa leaves collected from the ecologically clean highlands of Armenia. Healthy herbal tea. Ingredients: Mellissa, which has a natural lemon aroma and taste. It has sedative, antistress, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Good for women’s health. Regulates sleep, relieves tension, depression and irritability. Strengthens immunity. Restores after stress and fatigue. Contains vitamins C, K and essential oils. Good for high pressure. Removes toxins and bloating from the intestines.

    Thick infusion is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, gastritis and ulcers, hypothyroidism. Is dried in special conditions and all beneficial nutrients are preserved. Аdd 200 ml of boiling water to 1-2 teaspoons and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    15 (+-3) grams.
    Thank you for choosing us!

    Warning: This tea is not a medicine. In case of health problems, sensitivity to ingredients, contraindications or allergies, it should be used only with the advice or supervision of a physician. We are not responsible for these cases. Discontinue use if your body experiences a negative reaction to any of the ingredients.

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  • “Morning Mood” Herbal Mixture

    A Refreshing and Aromatic Herbal Blend.

    Ingredients: Wild Mint bush, Wild Saint-John’s-wort, Wild Helichrysum, Wild Oregano, Wild Mint, Wild Giant Cephalaria.

    Wellness properties: Boosts immunity, supports energy levels. Helps to lose excess weight and encourages good mood. Clarifies and sharpens your senses and stimulates general well-being.


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  • “Floral Blend” Herbal Mixture


    Harmonize and Consoling Herbal Blend.

    Ingredients: Wild Pomegranate flowers, Rose petals, Wild Common balm, Wild Oregano.

    Wellness properties: Reduces anxiety, calms the nervous system, promotes good night sleep.

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  • Tisane Immunity Tea

    Բաղադրությունը .
    Իվան չայ (նեղտերեւի), ընկույզենու տերեւ, խնկածաղիկ,
    վարդի թերթիկ, ակացիայի ծաղիկ:
    Բուսական թեյի այս հաճելի խառնուրդը օժտված է օրգանիզմը մաքրող, դիմադրողականությունը բարձրացնող եւ հանգստացնող հատկություններով, կարգավորում է նյութափոխանակության գործընթացն օրգանիզմում։
    Иван Чай, листья грецкого ореха, душица, лепестки роз, цветы акации. Это приятная смесь травяных чаев обладает очищающими и
    успокаивающими свойствами, регулирует обмен веществ в организме и повышает иммунитет.
    Ivan Chai, walnut leaf, fragrant flower, rose petal, acacia flowers.
    This pleasant blend of herbal tea has cleansing, increasing immunity, and calming features, regulates metabolism in the body.

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  • Tisane Balance Tea

    Thyme, mint, cephalaria, fragrant flowers, St. John’s wort (hypericum),
    rose petal, anthemis cotula, acacia flowers.
    A collection of exquisite flavors created for true connoisseurs of herbal teas. This harmonious, sensual and soft herbal tea will help you find
    inner balance throughout the day.

    Tisane Balance Tea

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  • “Wild Mint” Organic Tea

    Useful properties: Mint tea enhances the immunity and helps to lose weight, it can be used at any time of the day. Mint tea is considered to be a vital beverage that improves digestion, calms nerves.


    “Wild Mint” Organic Tea

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  • $6.99$13.99
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  • Helichrysum Flower Tea

    Helichrysum flower tea has a light fruity flavor. It is made by infusing a handful of dried flowers in a mug of boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes, then drink. Can also be used as a decorative dried flower with multicolors to accent your decor!!
    The following are the health benefits attributed to Helichrysum flower tea:
    • Alleviate gastrointestinal and gallbladder spasms.
    • Aid in improving digestion.
    • Help prevent atherosclerotic plaques.
    • Help in the treatment of rheumatism.
    • Help in fighting cystitis.
    • Help in maintaining energy levels in people suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome and jet lag.
    Helichrysum flower tea 25g
    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 8:30-21:30), Baghramyan 79/1 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!

    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.

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  • Beauty Mix Tea

    Aromatic and healthy herbal, floral tea. High quality. Ingredients: mint and rose petals. It is for everyday and prophylactic use.
    It is a calming tea, relieves anxiety and stress. Recommended for high blood pressure (hypertonia), high acidity of stomach, nausea and bad smell of the mouth , improves breathing, cleans your liver, lungs and throat. In the case of using mint tea for some time it improves your memory and the function of the mind. It is dried in special conditions and all beneficial nutrients are preserved. The way of making: add 200 ml of boiling water to 1 teaspoon of mint and leave it for 15-20 minutes..
    15 grams
    Thank you for choosing us!

    Warning: This tea is not a medicine. In case of health problems, sensitivity to ingredients, contraindications or allergies, it should be used only with the advice or supervision of a physician. We are not responsible for these cases. Discontinue use if your body experiences a negative reaction to any of the ingredients.

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  • Air-Dried Chocolate Mint

    Air Dried Chocolate Mint/12 Tea Bags. 100% natural product. It does not contain dyes and fragrances. Mint leaves are naturally air-dried. Store in a cool dry place below 25°C and 70% relative humidity. Term: 24 months.

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  • Dried Cephalaria Flowers

    A quick lesson in Armenian wildflowers! This is an amazing flower called Cephalaria in English and Ղանթարա (Khantara) or Զավան(Zavan) in Armenian. It helps with bloating & stomach upset, the flu, and also respiratory detoxing. Place 2-3 dried flowers in a cup of boiling water, cover for 10 minutes and drink away! Relax and sooth your stomach, prevent the flu, and clean out your lungs of the daily smog you intake especially all that second hand smoke from smokers!!! VAYYYYY!!!!!
    GGA Dried Cephalaria Flowers 50g

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  • “Sweet Aroma” Gift Tea Mix

    For creation of the PARTEZ HERBAL TEA line all herbs and berries аre collected from fragrant fields and highlands of Armenia. Herbal teas are completely natural and have numerous useful properties.
    Ingredients: dried mint, hawthorn, raspberry leaves, melissa, St. John’s wort.
    Shelf life: 2 years.
    Net Weight: 30g.
    Keep in cool and dry place at a temperature 20°C and relative air humidity level below 75%.

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