Chipchu Nichu And The Wayward Kids-Չիփչու Նիչուն և կամակորները


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ISBN: 978-9939-99-055-2

Author: Naira Yedigaryan
Pages: 72
Cover: soft
Size: 18,5×22.5cm
Language: Eastern Armenian
Republished: 2017

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Yum yum, how delicious this porridge is… What’s that, little one? Did the chipchu eat your porridge, leaving you without lunch again? Well, if you keep being naughty, one of the chipchus living on the rainbow will surely swoop down and gobble up your tasty meal. Have you heard about Chipchu Nichu with big wings and yellow eyes? In this book, he takes to the skies with his new girlfriend, searching for the Handful of a Cloud to reclaim his rainbow.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 18.5 × 2 cm
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