White Mint Tea


Sold By: Go Green Armenia

GGA White Mint Tea helps diarrhea, headaches, anxiety, depression, menstrual cramps, upset stomach, bloating, reduces flatulence, heartburn, and cold/flu. It has the highest amount of menthol essential oils, which gives you that cool feeling and warmth at the same time. So it soothes and relieves at the same time! So use it daily to reap the benefits from its essential oils to its micro-minerals as well!
GGA White Mint Tea


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GGA White Mint Tea helps diarrhea, headaches, anxiety, depression, menstrual cramps, upset stomach, bloating, reduces flatulence, heartburn, and cold/flu. It has the highest amount of menthol essential oils, which gives you that cool feeling and warmth at the same time. So it soothes and relieves at the same time! So use it daily to reap the benefits from its essential oils to its micro-minerals as well!
GGA White Mint Tea 

Shipping Countries: Armenia

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Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions N/A
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25g, 500g, 1kg

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