Hollyhock Flower & Seed Tea


Sold By: Go Green Armenia

GGA Hollyhock Flower & Seed Tea
Use this tea to prevent and treat cough, cold, fever, breathing disorders and digestive tract problems. It prevents kidney stones and relieves chest congestion. It treats peptic ulcers, hay fever, bladder inflammation, colic, gastritis, emphysema, diarrhea and bronchitis.
You can apply the infusion directly to the skin for treating ulcers, wounds, and painful swellings.
Can also be used to spray your hair to prevent split ends before blow drying.


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GGA Hollyhock Flower  & Seed Tea

Use this tea to prevent and treat  cough, cold, fever, breathing disorders and digestive tract problems.  It prevents kidney stones and relieves chest congestion. It treats peptic ulcers, hay fever, bladder inflammation, colic, gastritis, emphysema, diarrhea and bronchitis.

You can apply the infusion directly to the skin for treating ulcers, wounds, and painful swellings.

Can also be used to spray your hair to prevent split ends before blow drying.

Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

Additional information

Weight 0.250 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 4 cm
Select Weight

10g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg

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