Full-Stack Software Development Course


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Full-stack software development course. 3-6 months. .NET Core, C#, Entity Framework, MVC, Web Api, HTML, CSS, JavaScript/Typescript, Angular. The course takes 3-6 months depending on the frequency of the classes you take. The price is for one class only. Each class takes 1.5-2 hours. You can pay for each class separately or buy multiple classes at once.

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Full-Stack Software Development

In this course, you learn C#, .NET Core, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, how to create and use databases, and Angular.

  1. You start by learning how to write simple statements in the C# (C-Sharp) programming language. We teach you how to build simple console applications in C#.
  2. When you master the basics of the C# programming language, we teach you how to build websites. You start building websites by learning HTML and CSS. Your first websites will be static sites.
  3. When you get comfortable building static websites, we teach you how to build dynamic websites using C# and .NET Core for the back-end and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end. You also learn how to develop and connect a database to your website.
  4. After you learn how to build dynamic websites, we take your skills to the next level and teach you how to build API’s (Application Programming Interface) for the back-end and Angular for the front-end. You build an Angular application in your final project.
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