Magnesium Chloride Flakes


Sold By: Go Green Armenia

1-reduces pain: relief for localized back pain, tendonitis, muscle soreness, leg cramps, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Just spray it where you need it most.
2-Strengthens oral health and bones: by increasing calcium absorption and also reducing plaque buildup
3-Repairs muscles: used by athletes to help with overworked muscles and also for the elderly to help in muscle repair.
4-Clears away skin problems like rosacea, acne, psoriasis, and eczema
5- Used as a deodorant
6-Reduces stress and lowers blood pressure and regulates diabetes, helps with PMS symptoms and migraines.
Start by taking 1 teaspoon in the evenings before you sleep. The next day if you experience loose stool, that’s the way your body tells you that you have taken the right dose of magnesium chloride. So just reduce the amount by 1/4 teaspoon and continue that amount every night until your stool gets loose again. When it does reduce it by 1/4 teaspoon. But on the other hand, when you take it the first day and the next day you don’t experience any changes in your stool, then add another teaspoon(so you would be taking 2 teaspoons). You continue adding every night until there is loose stool and that is when you know that is the right amount for your body!


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1-reduces pain: relief for localized back pain, tendonitis, muscle soreness, leg cramps, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Just spray it where you need it most.
2-Strengthens oral health and bones: by increasing calcium absorption and also reducing plaque buildup
3-Repairs muscles: used by athletes to help with overworked muscles and also for the elderly to help in muscle repair.
4-Clears away skin problems like rosacea, acne, psoriasis, and eczema
5- Used as a deodorant
6-Reduces stress and lowers blood pressure and regulates diabetes, helps with PMS symptoms and migraines.
Start by taking 1 teaspoon in the evenings before you sleep. The next day if you experience loose stool, that’s the way your body tells you that you have taken the right dose of magnesium chloride. So just reduce the amount by 1/4 teaspoon and continue that amount every night until your stool gets loose again. When it does reduce it by 1/4 teaspoon. But on the other hand, when you take it the first day and the next day you don’t experience any changes in your stool, then add another teaspoon(so you would be taking 2 teaspoons). You continue adding every night until there is loose stool and that is when you know that is the right amount for your body!

Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

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200 grams, 500 grams, 1 kilogram

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