• Armenian Argan Oil

    Over the centuries, Argan oil extracted from fruits of Argan tree (aka Argania Spinosa) has been much appreciated by the Berber tribes in Morocco. Due to its cosmetic properties, the primary use that people gave to Argan oil was as a skin protector from the ultra-dry climate. At the beginning of the 90’s, the tree that gives the fruits of which we extracted the oil of Argan was almost extinct. Due to all the properties beneficial to health and its immense history, in 1999 UNESCO recognized the Argan tree as a world heritage.
    The oil of the Argan tree works wonders (antioxidizing, beauty-and-health-rejuvenating), which would seem too good to be true if they didn’t have real science backing them up.


    1. Moisturizer
    Vitamin E in Argan oil helps strengthen the skin’s barrier so it’s able retain more hydration
    2. Reduces wrinkles making your skin look more youthful
    When used topically, argan oil has been found to improve elasticity of the skin in postmenopausal women.
    3. Brightens the skin and fades the dark spots
    Argan oil contains tocopherols, which can inhibit the production of excess pigment from melasma or scars. Further study shows that it may also help speed would healing from burn scars.
    4. Helps in battling acne-prone skin
    A small study showed that topical application of argan oil twice daily for four weeks was associated with reduced sebum (aka oil) and a less shiny complexion, which means it may potentially help to reduce clogged pores and acne.
    5. Hair care
    Argan oil’s molecules are smaller than other oils, so it’s easier to penetrate the hair cuticles, which will make hair softer and more manageable with less tangles and dryness.
    6. Prevents Heat Damage
    The vitamin E and fatty acids in argan oil protect the hair and scalp from heat damage caused by styling tools. To protect your hair while blow drying, straightening, or curling apply a couple of drops of GGW Organic Argan oil to wet or dry hair before and after styling.
    7. Reduces split ends
    Using GGW Argan oil on the ends of your hair may help reduce the appearance of split ends.

    1. Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
    Argan oil is rich in vitamin E, or tocopherol, a fat-soluble vitamin that serves as a potent antioxidant to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals.
    2. Good source of nutrients
    Linoleic acid- 29-36% of fatty acid
    Oleic acid- 43–49% of fatty acid
    Vitamin E- 4,5mg/10ml
    3. May Boost Heart Health
    Is high in Omega-9 monounsaturated fat, which may help to reduce heart disease risk


    Armenian Argan Oil

  • Violin – Ջութակ

    The size of the brooch: 8 x 3 cm


  • “Pomegranate On A Branch”

    Vitrage Painting / Stained Glass Painting
    Size including a frame -9,4/9,4 in or 24/24 cm

    Enamels, glass paints

  • Great drought.

    Great drought. Print on canvas or photopaper.


    Great drought.

  • Armenian Headdress

    The size is added in the photos. The headdress is soft copper, it can easily be adjustable.

    Processing time: 5 days !!


    Armenian Headdress

  • Package 365

    Առանձնահատկություններ Անլար լիցքավորիչ RFID պաշտպանություն Համաշխարհային Wi-Fi Hotspot 64 ԳԲ Հիշողության քարտ Հեռավորության ազդանշան Ներկառուցված Powerbank Համաշխարհային GPS թրեյքեր Գող դետեկտոր Տեսախցիկ Անջրանցիկ դիմադրություն Volterman Smart Family-ը ներառում է քարտապան, երկփեղկ դրամական դրամական…


    Package 365

  • Armenian Cashmere Scarf

    Material: Cashmere
    Colors: Red
    Weight (kg): 0.25 kg + 0.15 kg packing
    Packing: Has a bag, a box and a catalogue
    Size (cm): 175 x 73
    Product code: SW032


    Armenian Cashmere Scarf

  • Gold Diamond Jewelry Set



    Gold Diamond Jewelry Set




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