I draw (design) especially on a half-whatman which is the same (as drawing on) A2 or A3. But if you wish I can design also on A1. As you know large-format needs hard work. The duration of drawing depends on daily concerns. I do the design you want during a week and half or in fortnight. I would like to design for a collectioners also.
    A small tip for you: you can previously confidentially take a photo of your relative’s (friend’s) car with a camera which has a high quality and send the photo to me. It will be a nice surprise for your relative or friend.
   The price of order is negotiable: A4 (300-400 $), A3 (600-800 $), A2 (1000-1600 $). The price fluctuates (varies) in the same (identical) format, because work will be differ labor-input (labor intensity)…
Vendor Biography
      I draw (design) especially on a half-whatman which is the same (as drawing on) A2 or A3. But if you wish I can design also on A1. As you know large-format needs hard work. The duration of drawing depends on daily concerns. I do the design you want during a week and half or in fortnight. I would like to design for a collectioners also.