• Handmade Soap

    Lugol’s Iodine Handmade Soap! As you know Lugol’s is the best and what could be better you ask? Well, Lugol’s iodine Handmade Soap!
    Packed with iodine it disinfects, cleans, and cuts the bacteria, virus, and fungal load up! Amazing Lugol’s iodine soap is an all purpose soap, for body, hands, and face. Keep it in your restroom and wash up after returning home and you will see how your health will improve especially during these trying times. Use it to keep acne under control and to keep oily skin clean as from deep inside the pores and out!
    How to use: Create a good foam and apply on the skin. Best to let dry for about 2 minutes then use our GGW hand mitt scrubber to scrub and exfoliate in a circular manner then
    wash with warm water and finally with cold water at the very end. Can be used for hands, body and/or face.

  • Rosehip And Cornelian Cherry Powder

    Rosehip and Cornelian Cherry Powder: Ingredients- 80 % rosehip and 20% cornelian cherry. Full of vitamins, specifically, with the daily need of vitamin C to strengthen and boost the immune system. It helps regulate the digestive system. Also use in tea, shakes, smoothies, soups, and sauces!

  • Oral Care Set

    Oral Care Set:
    Bamboo toothbrush
    GGA activated charcoal whitening toothpaste 50g

    Armenian Natural Pearly Whites Toothpaste 50g
    Go Green Armenia uses the best ingredients to make your toothpaste as safe as can be
    Coconut oil, which helps boost the microbiome in your gut (remember, the gut begins in the mouth) and naturally prevents candida in the mouth.
    Activated charcoal binds to dirt, grim, and stains beyond the surface and draws them out.
    Baking soda alkalizes acid in the mouth and helps remove plaque and stains. Our teeth and mouths are constantly under attack by acids, thanks to the foods we eat. Baking soda has a pH of 9 to 11 (alkaline), so it helps to neutralize acids while not being too abrasive to teeth.
    No chemicals no additives, no coloring, only the main ingredients needed, so that you can use it daily to keep your teeth beautiful, clean and plaque free! So be sure to brush in the mornings for at least 2 minutes and at nights floss first then brush for 2 minutes!! Then after rinse with our Strong Teeth Solution to get the bacteria count in your mouth wiped out!! All you need is a capful to rinse with!

  • Handmade Soap

    Skin being your largest organ on your body that is the protector of everything within, it’s best to protect it and keep it healthy! Chamomile Handmade Soap is packed with lots of antioxidants from the chamomile, one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind!

    With terpenoids and flavonoids contributing to its medicinal properties, it aids:
    â–ª Inflammation
    â–ª Muscle spasms
    â–ª Menstrual disorders
    â–ª Insomnia
    â–ª Ulcers
    â–ª Wounds
    â–ª Eczema
    â–ª Anxiety
    â–ª Gastrointestinal disorders
    â–ª Rheumatic pain
    â–ª Hemorrhoids

    So obviously when it is carried in soap, all those antioxidants will be absorbed and will soothe your skin and help those ailments be relieved. So try it as your body soap with your next shower/bath, and then come out to a nice cup of steeped GGW Chamomile Tea to soothe your soul and relax you for a good night’s sleep!

    Best way to use:
    You can use it on your whole body or just your face: make a nice foam and apply it on your skin. It would be wonderful to let it dry a bit on your skin so you can get all the benefits of the soap’s goodness! Then wash it off with our unique flax & hemp body mitt scrubber to get the exfoliating effect and glow! At the end rinse off with warm water then followed by cold water to close off your pores.

  • Organic Raw Honey


    EU & USDA Organic Certified Honey from the precious Artsakh region of Karavajar. The wildflowers are abundant and the bees are on cloud 9 working overtime to harvest it all in the Springtime! The scenery, the mountains, the wildlife with its blooming flowers are so beautiful and amazing that pictures do not do them justice! We invite you to our location so you can see it first hand. Enjoy the taste of wholesome pure organic certified honey from the untouched mountains of Artsakh to your home.

  • Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils

    Did you know that the arils of just one pomegranate contain enough vitamin C to give you 40% of your daily needs?!? Vitamin C is extremely important in helping support immune function and aiding in over all health. Another added health benefit of pomegranate arils is that they are an excellent source of fiber which is known to keep your appetite satisfied longer and help in preventing over eating. This in turn helps with weight loss. GGA dried pomegranate arils are a good source of these essential vitamins: C, K, and B5.
    Preliminary studies show that pomegranate seeds may help inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
    Pomegranate arils are extremely rich in antioxidants, tannins, quercetin, and anthocyanin. The fruit is also high in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
    A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the antioxidants in pomegranates reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    a healthy yet sweet treat that is bursting with flavor, sun dried without any added sugars nor oils! Can be added to both savory and dessert style foods, adding a unique and tantalizing flavor to any dish. ENJOY!
    GGA Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils 100g

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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggapomegranate #ggadriedpomegranatearils #Armeniandriedpomegranatearils #driedfruits #driedpomegranatearils #code485 #madeinarmenia #organicdriedfruits #ggadriedfruits

  • Sujukh

    3 stands of Sujugh (1kg): About 1 meter long, Sujugh is the marriage of walnuts and grape molasses syrup all on a string! So basically we take freshly harvested walnuts and string them up on a strand! Then dip them in our genuine grape molasses syrup and let dry! It is so delicious and chewy and gooey, you won’t be satisfied with just one! No salt nor sugar, just the wholesome goodness of grape molasses and raw walnuts!


  • Decorative Ceramic Plate

    GGA Artisan Decorative Display Ceramics Plate Hand Painted
    18 cm in diameter

  • Pomegranate Syrup

    GGA Pomegranate Syrup 1L
    Get the full load of vitamins and antioxidants with pomegranate syrup! Sweeten your drinks, teas, coffees, or add it to your desserts and sauces for the ultimate taste!

  • Dried Fruit And Nuts


    1 kg
    Triple Nutty: Hazelnuts wrapped in sundried apricots, black prunes, and red prunes, Everything is grown and sun-dried in Armenia!

  • Rosehip Powder

    Rosehip Powder

    Ingredients – 100 % rosehip dried powder. Full of vitamins to strengthen the immune system and fight against colds. One cup of boiling water with 1/2 teaspoon of rosehip powder tea gives you the daily requirement of vitamin C. They also contain vitamins A, E and K, the B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Taking it daily gives your body the nutrients it needs to help stay young and healthy!

    So here’s what you do with it daily:

    Mix 1 tablespoon with juice, yogurt, add it to your favorite smoothie, or infuse in tea or even your coffee!  Also use in shakes, soups, and sauces!


    Rosehip Powder

  • Chocolates With Pistachio

    Raw, gluten free, sugar free gourmet chocolate bear!
    Enjoy Armenian made gourmet chocolate!


    Chocolates With Pistachio




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