• Red Grapeseed Oil

    GGA Red Grapeseed Oil! GGA is the only place you can find grape seed oil cold pressed from red grape seeds! With a high dose of antioxidants and Vitamin E(one tablespoon provides 3.9 mg of vitamin E), it’s very high in polyunsaturated fats, mainly omega-6, in the form of linoleic acid. GGA Red Grapeseed oil improved insulin resistance when taken 2 tablespoons a day in the mornings, and reduced levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a common inflammatory marker, causing weight loss. GGA Red Grapeseed oil has a moderately high smoking point, so can be used for cooking and baking as well. So use GGA Red Grapeseed Oil daily for a healthier you!
    GGA Red Grapeseed OIl 250mL
    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 8:30-21:30), Baghramyan 79/1 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.

  • Kale Chips

    GGA Yummy Kale Chips 500g
    Snack on kale chips, get your fiber, vitamins and minerals in one shot! Enjoy it anytime of the day! Add it to soup as a crunchy topping, to meals as an accent, or even to ice cream to make it unique! Seasoned lightly with sea salt, black pepper, sesame seeds, and vegetable oil.
    GGA Yummy Kale Chips 500g

    Kale Chips

  • Fruit Mix Seed Balls

    GGA Orange, Sour Cherry, Fig, Peach, Apricot Alani Sesame Seed Balls 250g & 5in (12cm) in diameter!!!
    A wonderful gift you can give to basically anyone in your circle! Filled with a combination of sour cherry, fig, peach, and apricot alani covered with sesame seeds!!!! YUM YUM!!!!!

  • Armenian Hops Flower Tea

    To make Hops Cone Tea pour 1 cup boiling water on 5 hop cones and let steep for 10 minutes then strain and enjoy.

    Improves Sleep
    Hops have a long history of being used to help improve sleep. Scientific research shows that hops, with their natural sedative effects, can increase sleep time. Hops also help to lower body temperature—falling core body temperature is one important physiological step toward sleep. Hops have also been shown to reinforce the body’s daily biorhythms of rest and activity.

    Reduces Stress Level, Helps with Anxiety
    Scientific study has demonstrated that both valerian and hops can help alleviate restlessness and anxiety. Research shows valerian can be effective in helping to reduce stress, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Studies also show hops can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety.

    Lowers LDL Cholesterol & Blood Sugar
    Hops contain flavonoids that have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. A flavonoid in hops has also been found to help reduce weight gain, lower elevated cholesterol, and reduce high blood sugar. These conditions all contribute to what’s known as metabolic syndrome, which significantly increases a person’s risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

    Prevents Cancer
    Hops flavonoids also have anti-cancer properties. Recent research shows that hops may provide promising preventive therapy for some cancers. Studies have found that hops may spur the ability to protect against some forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

    Hops may also be useful for:

    • Menstrual symptoms
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
    • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • Indigestion and intestinal cramping
    • Pain and inflammation, for arthritis and other conditions
    • Menopausal symptoms


    Armenian Hops Flower Tea

  • Organic Raw Honey


    250 grams

    EU & USDA Organic Certified Honey from the precious Artsakh region of Karavajar. The wildflowers are abundant and the bees are on cloud 9 working overtime to harvest it all in the Springtime! The scenery, the mountains, the wildlife with its blooming flowers are so beautiful and amazing that pictures do not do them justice! We invite you to our location so you can see it first hand. Enjoy the taste of wholesome pure organic certified honey from the untouched mountains of Artsakh to your home.

  • “Armenian Food Forest” Box

    You can see our full list of Armenian varieties here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17vxfvoWwlNxwfAuWrgslAxb6kIdNFyQn/view

    Forest gardening (permaculture) is a low-maintenance, sustainable, plant-based food production system that mimics natural forest ecosystems. Our Armenian Food Forest in a Box will give you a plant for each layer of your backyard food forest and all of them will be food-producing plants and varieties native to Armenia.*
    You will be planting an Armenian Food Forest that will give you and future generations the taste of Armenian produce every year right in your backyard!
    To receive the plants for autumn planting, order by September 30th, for Spring planting order by February 1st.
    You will get a selection of the following types of bare-root fruiting plants in the spring or fall (we will send the detailed list of available Armenian varieties with pictures and descriptions upon receiving your order):
    2 fruit/nut trees
    1 berry bush
    1 grape
    2 strawberries

    We understand that some people may want more of one plant and less of another so the general rules are:

    2 strawberries=1 berry bush/grape

    2 berry bush/grape=1 tree

    So, for example, you can get:

    4 trees or

    3 trees and 2 strawberries or

    3 trees and 1 grape or

    1 tree, 3 grapes, 1 berry bush, and 2 strawberries, etc

    (If you only want one plant or a specific selection of plants you can write to us and we will make a special listing for you to order.)

    *The plants we send will be selected based on your climate and preferences.

    All orders will have phytosanitary certificates so they will be allowed into your country!

  • Kashk


    Choratan has a special taste, rich and thick and sour like strained matsun and tan. The dishes made from it are especially tasty, in any case tanapur from ordinary matsun is much inferior to tanapura from choratan).
    Expiration date is 2 years
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:www.buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmeniaLike & follow us on FB:Go Green ArmeniaLike & follow us on IG:www.instagram.com/gogreenarmeniawww.instagram.com/lovegogreenworldGift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.#gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggahoney #ggarawhoney #Armenianhoney #honey #rawhoney #code485 #madeinarmenia #organichoney #honeyhasmemory


  • Dried Apricots


    1 kg
    Delicious Sun Dried Armenian Apricots
    No preservatives added nor vacuum packed, this way you get the most wholesome dried fruit with all its sun kissed antioxidants and vitamins!  Please know that when you do order it during warm seasons, you will see little critters which are part of the fruit’s natural flora.  Don’t throw it out!!!  Just take the dried fruit and place it in the freezer for 24 hours.  Then after take it out and after 1 hour, wash them and dry them out.  Then after just pack them in a container and refrigerate them until use.

  • GGA Lip Volume Oil 15mL

    Yes, we have Natural Lip Volume Botox!!!! It is important to note that this natural oil does not show results immediately. Don’t give up if you don’t see results in a day or two. Many of our customers report results in a few weeks. Unlike injections which kinda give you an artificial fishy look, our Lip Volume Botox Oil gives you a natural volume which happens daily and you can control the results. When you reach the desired volume, you can stop using it. So how it works you ask!? Made with estrogenic producing seeds like fenugreek and herbs infused in olive oil, it promotes lip fat tissue enlargement, helping you achieve plumpy lips in a short span of time. This is considered to be one of the best home remedies to increase lip size naturally. Look at the results a customer of ours had in just 1 week!
    GGA Natural Lip Volume Oil 15mL

  • Handmade Soap

    If good things come in small packages, Go Green Armenia’s Sea Buckthorn Berry Handmade Soap is bursting with goodness! Sea buckthorn offers a unique mixture of active compounds, including a variety of carotenoids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, E So with this impressive list of goodness, give it to your skin and watch it tighten up, become firm & look ageless at any age! Sea buckthorn also contains high concentrations of palmitoleic acid-a fatty acid naturally found in the oil that lubricates the skin. So it’s the most natural moisturizer for the skin! Best way to use: You can use it on your whole body or just your face: make a nice foam and apply it on your skin. It would be wonderful to let it dry a bit on your skin so you can get all the benefits of the soap’s goodness! Then wash it off with our unique flax & hemp body mitt scrubber to get the exfoliating effect and glow! At the end rinse off with warm water then followed by cold water to close off your pores. ENJOY!

  • Gift Of Bouquet Teas

    Gift a GGA Gift of Bouquet Teas, and have them taste the aromatic bouquet teas from Armenia!!!
    The collection includes GGA Mug, Dried Yarrow, Dried Mountain Germander, Dried Everlasting Flower Bouquets! The floral smells and tastes are unimaginable and indescribable! All they will say is WOW!



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