• Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils

    Did you know that the arils of just one pomegranate contain enough vitamin C to give you 40% of your daily needs?!? Vitamin C is extremely important in helping support immune function and aiding in over all health. Another added health benefit of pomegranate arils is that they are an excellent source of fiber which is known to keep your appetite satisfied longer and help in preventing over eating. This in turn helps with weight loss. GGA dried pomegranate arils are a good source of these essential vitamins: C, K, and B5.
    Preliminary studies show that pomegranate seeds may help inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
    Pomegranate arils are extremely rich in antioxidants, tannins, quercetin, and anthocyanin. The fruit is also high in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
    A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the antioxidants in pomegranates reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    a healthy yet sweet treat that is bursting with flavor, sun dried without any added sugars nor oils! Can be added to both savory and dessert style foods, adding a unique and tantalizing flavor to any dish. ENJOY!
    GGA Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils 100g

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    Go Green Armenia
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggapomegranate #ggadriedpomegranatearils #Armeniandriedpomegranatearils #driedfruits #driedpomegranatearils #code485 #madeinarmenia #organicdriedfruits #ggadriedfruits

  • Sun Dried Fruits And Nut

    GGA ARMENIAN BOUNTY 850g (2lbs) filled with sun dried fruits and nut/fruit delights!
    22cmX12cmX8cm (8.6in X 4.7in X 3.1in)

  • Armenian Apricot Kernel Flour

    150 grams

    USE: Use as a flour substitute in your baking, cooking, or to enhance your smoothies, cereals, yogurts and shakes.
    GGW Apricot Kernel Flour is very useful in diets where calories are restricted to add flavor without adding fat calories. It’s 50% pure protein and has 1/4 of the carbs of regular flour, which makes it a great ingredient for those wishing to take in high-quality protein while keeping their carb consumption low. It has one-quarter of the fat of regular peanuts, which makes it a perfect ingredient for your low-fat cooking and baking. It’s a good source of mono-unsaturated fats, especially oleic acid, which helps to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and raise “good” HDL cholesterol. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants, such as polyphenol resveratrol, which protects against heart disease and infections, Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells, and Co-Enzyme Q10, which not only acts as an antioxidant but also helps to generate cellular energy. It is also a good source of B vitamins, especially Niacin B6, which contributes to brain health and blood flow to the brain, and a rich source of the minerals magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium, and selenium. Gluten-free, paleo & vegan-friendly!

  • White Mint Tea

    GGA White Mint Tea helps diarrhea, headaches, anxiety, depression, menstrual cramps, upset stomach, bloating, reduces flatulence, heartburn, and cold/flu. It has the highest amount of menthol essential oils, which gives you that cool feeling and warmth at the same time. So it soothes and relieves at the same time! So use it daily to reap the benefits from its essential oils to its micro-minerals as well!
    GGA White Mint Tea


    White Mint Tea

  • Copper Kettle

    Made by artisans in Gyumri and Echmiatzin.

    Just like Iodine and Magnesium, Copper is an important essential micronutrient for your body.
    Our ancestors knew best: serving vodka with lemon in copper mugs or just storing water in copper jugs!
    Importantly copper has an antimicrobial effect! Killing the microbes in water as it is stored and doing the same thing as it enters the body! Try by drinking your water with a slice of lemon from this Copper mug every morning for 30 days, and see how your overall digestion changes for the better.


    Copper Kettle

  • GGA Valerian Root Tea (200g) so you can sleep better

    NSOMNIA!?! Try GGA Valerian Root Tea(200g)!
    The benefits of GGA valerian root tea is that it increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. As a neurotransmitter, GABA inhibits unwanted nervous system activity. Studies have shown that increased levels of GABA in the brain lead to falling asleep faster and experiencing better sleep.
    Here’s what you do: Take 1/2 teaspoon of the valerian roots and place it in your cup and add boiling water to it. Cover and steep for 15 minutes and drink 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.
    GGA Valerian Root

  • Handmade Soap

    Made with the powder grind of the green emerald gem, it has a natural whitening and skin toning effect that lightens your skin in about 5 days. It has a micro-abrasive quality which massages and calms the skin and muscles. As with all our handmade soaps, coconut oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter are its main ingredients, it truly keeps your skin moist and supple in all weathers.

  • Kashk


    Choratan has a special taste, rich and thick and sour like strained matsun and tan. The dishes made from it are especially tasty, in any case tanapur from ordinary matsun is much inferior to tanapura from choratan).
    Expiration date is 2 years
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:www.buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmeniaLike & follow us on FB:Go Green ArmeniaLike & follow us on IG:www.instagram.com/gogreenarmeniawww.instagram.com/lovegogreenworldGift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.#gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggahoney #ggarawhoney #Armenianhoney #honey #rawhoney #code485 #madeinarmenia #organichoney #honeyhasmemory


  • Apricot Jam

    GGA Armenian Apricot Jam 250g or 500g

    Just 2 ingredient to a healthy you!  Just Armenian delicious apricot with pectin.  No sugar, no additives, nor preservatives, nor colorings.  Taste the difference in Armenian!


    Apricot Jam

  • Greeting Cards Pack

    Armenian-themed greeting cards, three different designs. Contain ceramic elements made from Armenian clay.

    Buy 3 to get 5% discount

    Greeting Cards Pack

    Buy 3 to get 5% discount
  • Volcanic Rock Exfoliating Pumice


    Armenian Volcanic Rock Exfoliating Pumice with a sturdy Armenian walnut wood handle is a long-lasting lava pumice stone with a beautiful handle to create ease of use. Exfoliates the hardest of skins especially in the heel area. Hangs dry and perfectly designed to look great in your shower as well as exfoliate the roughest skin to baby softness!! Use it on moist skin which has softened in steam and hot water. Use a back and forth movement to exfoliate the areas you would like softened. Then soap and wash as usual. Afterward, use our olive oil to trap the moisture in and keep your skin super soft and smooth.

  • Sun Dried Fruits Gift Pack

    GGA Cheer For Cher Gift Pack (From the Aghveran Region of Armenia!!)
    200g prune(sun dried no sugar, preservatives, nor additives)
    200g dried apricot(sun dried no sugar, preservatives, nor additives)
    Simple, delicious, priceless gifts to keep around the house to give away during the holidays or just to say THANK YOU or I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Taste the difference in Armenian!!!
    Check out our products on Buy Armenian:
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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld ! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggadriedfruit #ggagiftpacks #ggaArmeniandriedapricot #driedapricot #prune #driedplum #gganuts #code485 #madeinarmenia #Armenian #լավբանհայաստանում



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