• Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils

    Did you know that the arils of just one pomegranate contain enough vitamin C to give you 40% of your daily needs?!? Vitamin C is extremely important in helping support immune function and aiding in over all health. Another added health benefit of pomegranate arils is that they are an excellent source of fiber which is known to keep your appetite satisfied longer and help in preventing over eating. This in turn helps with weight loss. GGA dried pomegranate arils are a good source of these essential vitamins: C, K, and B5.
    Preliminary studies show that pomegranate seeds may help inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
    Pomegranate arils are extremely rich in antioxidants, tannins, quercetin, and anthocyanin. The fruit is also high in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
    A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the antioxidants in pomegranates reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    a healthy yet sweet treat that is bursting with flavor, sun dried without any added sugars nor oils! Can be added to both savory and dessert style foods, adding a unique and tantalizing flavor to any dish. ENJOY!
    GGA Sun Dried Pomegranate Arils 100g

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    Gift Cards now available at our Stores! Now on https://buyarmenian.com/store/gogreenarmenia/ & https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoGreenWorld! We invite you to visit our stores, located on Tumanyan 26a(open everyday 9:00-21:30), Baghramyan 79 open everyday 9:00-21:00), or call us at +37491 054 279(Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) for delivery. Also, don’t forget to bring back our glass/plastic bottles and jars! Let’s make Armenia a trash free zone!
    DISCLAIMER: The content of the above is the opinion Go Green Armenia and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions, it is recommended you seek the medical advice of a medical professional or a doctor in the field.
    #gogreenarmenia #buyarmenian #ggapomegranate #ggadriedpomegranatearils #Armeniandriedpomegranatearils #driedfruits #driedpomegranatearils #code485 #madeinarmenia #organicdriedfruits #ggadriedfruits

  • Sujukh

    1 strand of Peach Alani (1 kg):
    Whole sun dried peach stuffed with walnuts! A healthy snack to slice in wedges and enjoy! Packed with vitamins, minerals and micro minerals, you will get your daily dose of nutrients in a wholesome delicious snack!


  • Cornelian Syrup

    GGA CORNELIAN SYRUP 1L no sugar(sweetened with stevia)! The use of GGA Cornelian Syrup helps with these properties: disinfectant, anti-diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, vessel-protectant, especially against hemorrhoids, and Vitamin C.   
    The syrup can be taken by the spoonful like medicine – but medicine which tastes fantastic! It makes a pleasant drink diluted in water, or used as an ingredient in alcoholic cocktails. Try using it in a hedgerow mojito with white rum and soda water over ice. Or serve it like maple syrup on pancakes, waffles, rice pudding, yogurt or ice cream.
    GGA CORNELIAN SYRUP 1L no sugar(sweetened with stevia), Vitamin C, disinfectant, anti-diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, vessel-protectant, especially against hemorrhoid

  • Linden Flower & Leaf Tea

    GGA Wild Linden Flower & Leaf Tea 100g relieves anxiety by reducing mental stress, prevents chronic diseases with its antioxidants quercetin and kaempferol, detoxifies the body, reduces cold & flu by promoting sweating, removes inflammation, prevents cancer, improves digestion.

  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

    GGA Red raspberry leaf tea is high in many nutrients and offers health benefits for pregnant and non-pregnant women alike. Red raspberry leaves contain iron & fragarine, a plant compound that helps tone and tighten muscles in the pelvic area, which may reduce the menstrual cramping caused by the spasms of these muscles. GGA red raspberry leaf tea has also been used to strengthen the uterus, improve labor outcome and prevent excessive bleeding after childbirth. It also shortens labor, decreases labor pains, and increases breast milk production when drank in the last month of pregnancy! In general, GGA red raspberry leaf tea will regulate your hormones so that you feel good all the time no matter if you are on your period, are going through pregnancy, or menopause! So this is what you do:
    Take 1 pack(25g) of Go Green Armenia red raspberry leaf tea and pour 1L of boiling water to it, cover, and let it steep for 24 hours. Then separate the leaves from the tea and drink 1 cup in the mornings for breakfast! That’s all. If you want to lose weight then drink before lunch and dinner too! You continue this until you have lost all your weight. Once you do then just have 1 cup a day (try to have it around the same time every day) so to keep everything regulated & working efficiently!

    Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

  • Pomegranate Seed Flour

    150 grams
    Pomegranate being a superfood, at GGW we have created pomegranate seed flour for your daily use!

    Packed with ascorbic acid, carotenoids, ellagic acid, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins GGW pomegranate seed flour will aid you in:
    ▪︎ Digestive problems
    ▪︎ Heart diseases
    ▪︎ Stomach ulcers
    ▪︎ Even several cancers
    ▪︎ Thins your blood
    ▪︎ Prevents Atherosclerosis
    ▪︎ Helps to pump up the oxygen in the blood

    1 Cup of GGW pomegranate seed flour contains:

    ▪︎ Fiber: 7 grams
    ▪︎ Protein: 3 grams
    ▪︎ Folate: 16 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Potassium: 12 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Vitamin C: 30 percent of the RDA
    ▪︎ Vitamin K: 36 percent of the RDA

    Add it to your bread recipes, to soups as a thickening agent, to smoothies and shakes to add volume and phytonutrients, and to sauces and syrups to add fiber and texture! Pomegranate seed flour is one of our gluten-free vegan flours!

  • Rosy Rose Scented Bath Bombs Set


    An amazing set of 6 Elegant Rosy Rose Bath bombs! Try a calming rose-scented natural bath bomb to soothe and moisturize your skin. Made with Damaskan rose essential oil, almond oil, and shea butter. Feel the petals floating around you as you wind down at the end of a long day!
    200 grams each
    1200 grams overall

  • Sea Buckthorn Powder

    Sea buckthorn powder:
    Sea buckthorn has been known for its medicinal benefits for centuries, as it is a plentiful source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, antioxidants, and other important nutrients which help the immune system. In fact, sea buckthorn powder has more than 10x the Vitamin C content of oranges. Aside from its well-known immunity-boosting effects, vitamin C plays an important role in protecting the eyes and supporting the cardiovascular system. The rich source of antioxidants helps the body fight off damaging free radicals that are associated with chronic conditions and premature aging.
    So add 2-3 teaspoons to your salad dressing, smoothies, soups, shakes, tea, or coffee, and enjoy the benefits daily! You can also give yourself a wonderful Vitamin C Mask treatment by mixing 1 tsp pectin & 1 tsp GGA sea buckthorn powder and add boiling water so that it is a smooth paste. Apply it to your face as fast as possible and let it dry. Then peel it off and feel the radiance of your skin with the massive Vitamin C treatment from sea buckthorn!


    Sea Buckthorn Powder

  • Ceramics Pomegranate Salt & Pepper Shaker With Toothpick Holder

    Pomegranate Salt & Pepper Shaker with Toothpick Holder Ceramics 12cmX5cm
    Artistically hand painted on salt & pepper shaker with toothpick holder ceramics. Decorate your table with pomegranates!
    Pomegranate Salt & Pepper Shaker with Toothpick Holder Ceramics 12cmX5cm

  • “Girl” Brooch

    Cute Dolls handmade by Artsakh women (with a hanger and a brooch attachment/ 9g-12g /8cmX12cm)which can be used as ornaments for all Holidays!  Decorate your Christmas tree with them(so adorable), hang one from a door handle, use it as a brooch on your favorite coat, hat, purse, pillow, or attach it on a gift bag to add a beautiful accent!  They are all unique and one of a kind, adding charm and a beautiful accent wherever they are placed!  Many to choose from and hard to pick just one!  All have an Armenian name and the Armenian region they are from ranging from hidden farming villages to more well known cities!

  • Pomegranate Vinegar

    Most people will eat the fruit raw but you can also take pomegranate in the form of juice, molasses, paste, tea, vinegar and even in capsule form. Pomegranate vinegar?
    Yes. You may be familiar with the health benefits of vinegar, especially Apple Cider Vinegar. But not many are familiar with the health benefits of pomegranate vinegar. So here it is!
    *Aids Digestive System: Pomegranate vinegar is rich in acetic acid that helps the digestive system. This is done by increasing the body’s capacity to take up essential nutrients from the food that we eat. To benefit from this, add pomegranate vinegar in salads or take pomegranate vinegar as a drink (mix 1-2 tablespoon in a glass of water) before or with meals. This will help improve the absorption of essential minerals found in foods.
    *Improve Body Performance: Since pomegranate vinegar aids in our digestive system, it plays a part in improving our health by letting our bodies perform better.
    *Better absorption of calcium: People suffering from dairy product intolerance (lactose intolerance) will need alternative sources of calcium. This can be from spinach, broccoli, or garlic. If you add a drop of pomegranate vinegar in these foods, your body will absorb calcium more easily.
    *Lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels: Just like eating apricot seeds, GGA Pomegranate Vinegar can lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
    *Improves Memory and Mood Swings: Pomegranate fruit is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that control free radicals and help improve memory and any mood swings such as depression. Pomegranate vinegar’s rich ruby-red color is an indication of the large presence of flavonoids.
    *Clogged arteries: It is also claimed to be a remedy for clogged arteries, and hypertension.



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