“Armenian Alphabet” Memory Game


Sold By: LiArt

50 in stock

– Armenian Alphabet Memory Game (Matching Game)
– A Fun 38 pair matching game, teaching Armenian Alphabet
– 1 or more players
– 76 Armenian Letter tiles
– For 3 years and above

SKU: Arm-mg Categories: , ,
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  • Set up Choose as many tiles to play with. You can use all 76 tiles or, with younger players, you may want to use fewer pairs. Put the tiles you are using face down and mix them up.
  • How to play Youngest player goes first. Players take turns, turning any two cards picture-side-up. The cards must be turned over completely, so that all players can see them. A Match: A player makes a match if the two cards turned picture-side-up are identical. When a match is made, the player takes both cards and places them in front of him or her. That player then takes another turn, and continues taking turns until he or she misses.


  • A Miss: A player misses if the two cards turned over are not identical. When a player misses, he or she turns the two cards picture-side-down again, in the same place. That player’s turn ends-and all players try to remember which cards were turned over, for future matches. The game continues until all cards have been matched and removed from the playing area. All players then count up their matching pairs The player who has the most pairs of matching cards wins.
  • Play alone or with friends You can play alone too! Use a clock or timer to keep track of how much time it takes you to match up all the pairs!

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Additional information

Weight 0.475 kg
Dimensions 16 × 16 × 4.5 cm
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