Fig Leaf Tea


Sold By: Go Green Armenia

Place 2 teaspoon all natural Fig leaves in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain and enjoy!
The Fig leaf tea has a long history. It has followed the footsteps of mankind around the world and become a highly valued tea in many regions. Archaeological finds of this mystical tree date as far back as around 11,400 B.C.! It has even been posited that the Forbidden Fruit was a Fig, not the apple most commonly portrayed in the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Fig has many Biblical ties because it was cultivated in the areas in which events from the Bible took place. It took on symbolic significance when Adam and Eve used fig leaves as the first clothes. Figs are mentioned throughout the Bible over fifty times. Greek and Roman civilizations esteemed figs so highly that their love of the fruit influenced the invasion of Greece by Xerxes and the destruction of Carthage by the Romans. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, wrote a short explanation of the caprification process, whereby the Smyrna type figs are pollinated, in his “History of Animals”. Romulus and Remus are pictured nursing from the mother wolf while underneath a fig tree.
Fig Leaf Tea Therapy help with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo, bronchitis, have anti-tumor properties, and the power to stabilize your blood pressure! This is big news for diabetics. Besides all that, the hint of figs in every sip is delightful!


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Place 2 teaspoon all natural Fig leaves in a cup , pour boiling water and steep for 5 minutes , then strain and enjoy!
The Fig leaf tea has a long history. It has followed the footsteps of mankind around the world and become a highly valued tea in many regions. Archaeological finds of this mystical tree date as far back as around 11,400 B.C.! It has even been posited that the Forbidden Fruit was a Fig, not the apple most commonly portrayed in the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Fig has many Biblical ties because it was cultivated in the areas in which events from the Bible took place. It took on symbolic significance when Adam and Eve used fig leaves as the first clothes. Figs are mentioned throughout the Bible over fifty times. Greek and Roman civilizations esteemed figs so highly that their love of the fruit influenced the invasion of Greece by Xerxes and the destruction of Carthage by the Romans. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, wrote a short explanation of the caprification process, whereby the Smyrna type figs are pollinated, in his “History of Animals”. Romulus and Remus are pictured nursing from the mother wolf while underneath a fig tree.
Fig Leaf Tea Therapy help with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo, bronchitis, have anti-tumor properties, and the power to stabilize your blood pressure! This is big news for diabetics. Besides all that, the hint of figs in every sip is delightful!

Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

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Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 10 × 3 × 20 cm
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25 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams

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