Flax Soap


Sold By: Avetisyan soaps

The “Flax” soap contains 7-8 medicinal herbs that were used for skin diseases in traditional Armenian medicine. We have strictly observed all the pharmaceutical rules which provide the therapeutic effectiveness of the soap. We have also taken into consideration all the important conditions in which the stability of the plant and essential oils are preserved. We extract the flaxseed oil in the process of soap production (cold extraction method) to avoid any disintegration and transformation of the oil.” Flax” soap also contains plants, essential and plant oils, omega 3, vitamin E, β-carotene. Thanks to its rich content this soap is silky and good for various skin conditions. This soap is listed among the prescriptions for skin diseases. Dermatologists in Armenia define it as a remedy increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. It is good for psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema, and pimples. As a cosmetic soap, it softens the skin, eliminates the redness, and flaking of the skin.


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Grandmother Satenik of Verin Getashen, an Armenian village in the Martuni district, extracted oil by the medicinal recipe passed down to her from her grandfathers. She wove a “palakh” / փալախ, from unique plants of Argich river (the picture depicts the “palakh” handwoven by her: the locals also called it “kyam” / կյամ). She collected Viburnum lantana (or as the locals called it “gyarmshi”գյարմշի ) branches from the historical reserve of the Armenian King Khosrov, and then heated the clay jar . Mixing all this with flax oil and Grandmother’s holy prayers, her magical hands turned it into a remedy for hair loss and various skin diseases. A small part of Grandmother Satenik’s technology is restored in this soap by improved modern approaches, and the soap has acquired a new usage.  (The paraphernalia depicted in the picture were given to Nelli by Grandmother Saten’s grandson, for which I am immensely grateful to him.)  The production of soap is a long multi-phase process. The great love and respect for the Armenian folk traditions is our driving force the soap production. Our commitment is to the quality and effectiveness of the soaps and not to their quantity. 


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