GGA ARMENIAN BOUNTY 1.6kg (3.5lbs) filled with sun dried fruits and nut/fruit delights & famed with a string of walnut & grape molasses sujugh!!


Sold By: Go Green Armenia

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GGA ARMENIAN BOUNTY 1.6kg (3.5lbs) filled with sun dried fruits and nut/fruit delights & famed with a string of walnut & grape molasses sujugh!!!
No sugar, additives, nor preservatives! Enjoy the bounty of Armenia and taste the difference in Armenian!
Dimensions: 30cmX12cmX10cm (11.8in X 4.7in X 4in)

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GGA ARMENIAN BOUNTY 1.6kg (3.5lbs) filled with sun dried fruits and nut/fruit delights all framed with a string of walnut & grape molasses sujugh!! !

All collected into a beautiful colorful display of Armenian Bounty for a gift to yourself or anyone or any occasion!
Filled with the following:
dried figs, apricots, peaches, red prunes, black prunes, sour cherries, apple slices, peach alani, alani sesame seed balls, almond covered with dried fruits, walnut & dried fruit delight rollet slices all framed with a string of walnut & grape molasses sujugh!!  No sugar, additives, nor preservatives!  Enjoy the bounty of Armenia and taste the difference in Armenian!
Dimensions: 30cmX12cmX10cm (11.8in X 4.7in X 4in)
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Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

Additional information

Weight 1.9 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 15 cm
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