GGA Gift of Bouquet Teas! GGA Mug, Dried Yarrow, Dried Mountain Germander, Dried Everlasting Flower Bouquets!


Gift a GGA Gift of Bouquet Teas, and have them taste the aromatic bouquet teas from Armenia!!!
The collection includes GGA Mug, Dried Yarrow, Dried Mountain Germander, Dried Everlasting Flower Bouquets! The floral smells and tastes are unimaginable and indescribable! All they will say is WOW!

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Gift a GGA Gift of Bouquet Teas, and have them taste the aromatic bouquet teas from Armenia!!!

The collection includes GGA Mug, Dried Yarrow, Dried Mountain Germander, Dried Everlasting Flower Bouquets!  The floral smells and tastes are unimaginable and indescribable! All they will say is WOW!

Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

Additional information

Weight 0.68 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 10 cm


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