Hand-signed fine art Triptych Photo Print


Selection of 3 hand-signed prints. Printed on archive museum-grade A4 paper at Paris’ top photographic lab.
Dimension of each print: 10 x 7″ (26 x 17cm)

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Shipping From: France
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An extract from a long-term work about the solitude and isolation at the Cosmic Ray Research Station in Armenia.

Ready to ship in 3-5 business days from France


Shipping Policy

The print will be rolled and placed in a hard carton tube. The tube will be sent from Paris via La Poste Colissimo.
The rate for international shipping is 28.55 € for a parcel up to 500grams. This means in case you order up to 3 prints it can be sent with a single fee of 28.55 €


Refund Policy

Of course, you can return the print and you will be reimbursed for the cost of the print solely, but not the shipping cost. Though I believe you will enjoy your purchase.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 40 × 12 × 12 cm


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