

Komitas the Armenian Priest, Musicologist, Ethnomusicologist.

11 x 11 x 28cm

Bronze, Patina


8 in stock

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Shipping From: Armenia

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 16 × 16 × 35 cm
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Humbly and respectfully, we created this bronze sculpture of Komitas.

Komitas was the most important collector of Armenian folk songs, and his exact and detailed researches established Armenian musicology, on a scientific basis. His own folk-based songs and choruses and his liturgical chants are still popular among Armenians, many of whom regard him as their foremost composer. He collected and transcribed over 3,000 pieces of Armenian folk music, more than half of which were subsequently lost and only around 1,200 are now extant.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 16 × 16 × 35 cm


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