Vanilla and Cinnamon Handmade Soap


Go Green Armenia’s Vanilla and Cinnamon Handmade Soap

What can be said about the aromatic combination of cinnamon and vanilla, truly a classic, inviting and memorable scent! A favorite around the holidays or all year long! A delightful experience in the bath or shower. Vanilla Cinnamon soap makes a great gift to share too!

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Go Green Armenia’s Vanilla and Cinnamon Handmade Soap

What can be said about the aromatic combination of cinnamon and vanilla, truly a classic, inviting and memorable scent! A favorite around the holidays or all year long! A delightful experience in the bath or shower. Vanilla Cinnamon soap makes a great gift to share too!

Shipping Countries: Armenia

Ready to ship in 1-3 business days

Additional information

Weight 0.250 kg
Dimensions 9 × 3 × 6 cm


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