3 Individual Armenian Lessons Gift Card


This gift card is the best way to show respect to your friends and loved ones. This gift card is valid for three months after purchase.

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Tumanyan. The online school of the Armenian language has been operating since 2018, and individual and group classes are conducted using Russian and English. At the moment, we have more than 1500 students of different nationalities from more than 30 countries of the world. Our classes are conducted online through video conferences with professional teachers who are native speakers of the Armenian language, using an interactive platform where students can also study on their own after an online lesson with a teacher. The main difference of our school is the use of a special methodology for teaching Armenian as a foreign language.


Through illustrated stories, engaging exercises and listening activities, students learn to speak, understand, read and write faster, easier and more creatively. In addition, the program is designed to help students recognize the general knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of the Armenian people.


This gift card is the best way to show respect to your friends and loved ones. This gift card is valid for three months after purchase.


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